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Q: How are parentheses to set off appositive and their modifiers?
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What is the appositive in this sentence The sun a star is a ball of gas?

The appositive is "a star", which renames the noun phrase "the sun".An appositive should be set off from the rest of the sentence by commas before and after.

What is a phrase that renames a noun and is set off by commas?

An appositive is a phrase that renames a noun or noun phrase and is set off by commas. It provides additional information about the noun it refers to.

What is used to set off incidental information?


Is an appositive a noun that is placed after another noun in order to tell more about it and it's usually set off with commas?


What is appositive phase?

An appositive phrase is a noun or noun phrase that renames or explains the noun next to it. It provides additional information about the noun and helps to clarify its meaning. Appositive phrases are often set off by commas for clarity in writing.

Do you use commas to set off parenthetical phrases?

Usually you would set off parenthetical phrases with commas, although you can, of course, also use actual parentheses.

How to decide when to use commas to set off an appositive in a sentence?

I believe that when you have an appositive in a sentence that when it is not necessary you surround it with commas and when it is necessary, you don't use commas. This is what I believe the rule is, but I am not 100% sure. Anyone feel free to correct me if this is in any way not correct.

What noun is the appositive describing in this sentence Lisa must meet your brother Richard before he goes to college in the fall?

It's hard to see because an appositive should be set off by commas. The sentence should be, 'Lisa must meet your brother, Richard, before he goes to college in the fall.'The appositive is the noun Richard, which restates the noun 'brother'.

Where does the noun appositive come in a sentence?

An appositive in a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun. Appositives usually come right after a noun and are set apart from the sentence by commas. My sister, Susan, is a teacher. <-- Susan is the appositive.

What is modifiers sentence?

Sentence modifiers typicallyqualify (in what way, under what conditions),limit, or set conditions or circumstances (for whom, why, when, where), orindicated reasons or conclusions.

What are nested parentheses?

Nested parentheses are sets of parentheses inside sets of parentheses, where a set of parentheses refers to a left parenthesis and a right parenthesis. This is an example of nested parentheses: The mohel (a man who performs a bris (circumcision)) was setting up his equipment on the table.

The process of multiplying a number outside a set of parentheses to everything inside the parentheses is called?

The process of multiplying a number outside a set of parentheses to everything inside the parentheses is called distributing or the distributive property. This property is used to simplify algebraic expressions by multiplying the external number to each term inside the parentheses.