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Q: How are plates moving at converging boundaries?
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How do converging boundaries move?

The plates come together

Are the major lithospheric plates bounded by diverging and converging boundaries?

They are divided by divergent, convergent AND transform boundaries.

What kind of three faults occur at different plate boundaries?

Trasform(plates sliding past each other.) Converging(plates colliding.) Divergent(plates moving away.) These are 3 different types of plate boundries

What does it mean when three plates are moving together?

it means that they are converging

Forms when two Crustal Lithospheric Plates come together?

The Convergent/Converging Boundaries

What do transform boundaries have in common with divergent boundaries?

Rhe tectonic plates are moving in both divergent and transform boundaries

How are transform boundaries different from converging and diverging boundaries?

a boundary at which two plates moves past each other horizontally

Is a hot spot found at converging oceanic plates?

Hot spots are usually found away from plate boundaries.

Is an earthquake caused by converging plates?

Many earthquakes are produced act converging plates. However a number of strong earthquakes also take place at transform boundaries where plates slide past one another, neither converging nor diverging. On rare occasions strong quakes will take place within a plate.

What causes earthquake at diversion boundaries?

moving of tectonic plates (lithospheric plates)

What is a covergent plate?

A boundary between two plates that are moving toward each other, or converging.

What causes volcanoes to form at spreading boundaries?

Please make the question clearer. There are converging and diverging boundaries but not spreading boundaries. Plates move but don't spread. Please make the question clearer