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No. Fossil evidence indicates that platypuses have always existed more or less in their current form. Ancient platypuses were larger and had teeth, unlike modern platypuses, but platypuses do not provide any sort of evolutionary link between reptiles and mammals.

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13y ago

The platypus is a mammal because it has fur and suckles its young. However, unlike all mammals except for echidnas, and like most (not all) reptiles, it lays eggs.

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Q: How are platypus similar to reptiles and mammals?
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What amimal's lay eggs?

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Born animals are mammals and eggs can be from birds, reptiles, amphibians and two types of mammals, the platypus and the echidna.

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All mammals have fur, some other animals can have fur e.g the platypus which lays eggs but has fur so it has characteristics of both mammals and reptiles but all mammals have fur.

Is the platypus an invertebrate?

It is a vertebrate because it has a spinal column in its skeletal system. Also it is a mammal, although it lays eggs, and every mammal (or other warm-blooded creature, like a bird) is a vertebrate.

Does a platypus have a cloaca?

Yes. A cloaca is present in marsupials and monotremes, as well as in birds, amhibians and reptiles. Placental mammals do not have a cloaca.

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There are many animals that are not classed as mammals or reptiles. firstly, you have the entire invertebrates group. for example spiders and insects. secondly, you have the vertebrates that are not mammals or reptiles, for example, birds and fish. but if you are wondering the name that incorporates the platypus and echidna, then they are called Monotremes

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No, alligators are not mammals, they are reptiles.

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Snakes are reptiles. Both mammals and reptiles are animals.

Do women lay eggs?

There are three classes of mammals (placental mammals, monotremes and marsupials). Only monotremes (the platypus and echidna) lay eggs.