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Q: How are refliction and refraction manifested in sounds?
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What is refliction?

when the ray of light enters a medium in bends a come out this is known as refliction of light

Bending of light due to change in speed?

This sounds like refraction.

Does night vision use reflection or refraction?

well like im not quite sure but like i think its refraction because it sounds right. hope i helped xx

How is reflection manifested in sounds?

Reflection, Refraction, and DiffractionLike any wave, a sound wave doesn't just stop when it reaches the end of the medium or when it encounters an obstacle in its path. Rather, a sound wave will undergo certain behaviors when it encounters the end of the medium or an obstacle. Possible behaviors include reflection off the obstacle, diffraction around the obstacle, and transmission (accompanied by refraction) into the obstacle or new medium. In this part of Lesson 3, we will investigate behaviors that have already been discussed in a previous unitand apply them towards the reflection, diffraction, and refraction of sound waves.

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What is it called when a wave goes from one medium to another and it changes speed and direction?

The change in direction is called refraction.

The bending of waves due to a change in speed is?

It is Refraction

In the sofar layer sound travels?

Yes, sound can travel for great distances in this layer because refraction tends to keep sounds waves in the layer.

What do you called when the light bends as it enters a different medium the process is known as?

Refraction ~ look to related link below .

Is a key a reflection or a refraction?
