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Q: How are rotate and revovle different?
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How are revolution and year related?

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How many planets revovle around the sun?

9. (including Pluto).

What is the name of the sun and all the planets that revovle around it?

It is called the Solar System.

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What two things cause planets to revovle around the sun?

the atmosphere around the galaxy

How long does it take the Earth to completely revovle around the Sun?

365 and a quarter days

Why does the moon has a different appearance?

earth rotate

How much do the sun rotate?

Because the Sun is not solid, different parts rotate at different speeds. Near the equator of the Sun, it rotates once in about 26 days, while the polar regions rotate in about 33 days.

Is the sun turning?

The sun does rotate on its axis, but not exactly the way the Earth does, because the sun is made of gas, and different sections of it rotate at different speeds.

How do you rotate your trees on Farmville?

You can't rotate trees on Farmville. You can only move them to a different spot on the farm.

Why do you call it the solar system?

it's a system of planets that revovle around the sun. solar means sun.