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Q: How are sand dunes different from desert pavement?
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What makes a desert pavement different from a sand dune?

Desert pavement is the result of deflation - fine materials being removed by agents of erosion. Sand dunes are the result of deposition of fine materials by the wind.

How are dunes and desert pavement alike?

Both are created by wind moving the sand. In the case of desert pavement, the wind removes the fine sand, leaving only pebbles and rocks. In the case of dunes the sand is piled as a dune by the action. of wind.

What are three landforms that are shaped by weathering and erosion?

Three landforms created by wind erosion and deposition are Dunes, Deflatation Hollows, and Desert Pavement.

Where are sand dunes likey to be?

Sand dunes are likely to be in a desert

How many sand dunes can can be in one desert?

There is no limit to the number of sand dunes in any particular desert.

How does desert pavement move?

Desert pavement does not move unless it is carried away by a flash flood. However, the wind can remove sand surrounding the sand in desert pavement.

Are there dunes in the Sonoran Desert?

Yes, there are sand dunes in parts of the Sonoran Desert.

Are there sand dunes in California?

in the desert

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What are piles of sand deposited by wind in the desert?

Sand dunes

What are shifting hills of sand in desert are called?

sand dunes

What is the name of the desert with the longest sand dunes?

Simpson Desert.