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Somatic cells undergo mitosis and the resulting cells have the same number of chromosomes as the original. Sex cells undergo meiosis and the resulting cells have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

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14y ago
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11y ago


To start with, sex cells and somatic cells have totally different functions.

Sex cells are used entirely for the use of reproduction and somatic cells are what makes up your body and helps you function. Sex cells have 23 chromosomes, and only one set of genetic information that incorporates traits of both you mum and dad. Somatic cells on the other hand have 46 chromosomes and have two sets of genetic information (one from your dad and one from your mum). When these cells divide, they also go through different systems. Sex cells go through meiosis, which is separated into eight steps and results into 4 different cells. Somatic cells go through mitosis which ends up in two daughter cells.

Hope this helped.

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9y ago

A somatic cell is a body cell. It has the diploid number of chromosomes. For example, human somatic cells have 46 chromosomes (in 23 pairs).

A sex cell is a gamete (sperm or egg cell). It has the haploid number of chromosomes. For example, human gametes have 23 chromosomes.

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11y ago

cause niggie are black. they look like dodo .. what - that mind blowing huh?

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12y ago

the sex cell is haploid .While a aomatic cell is diplod

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9y ago

somatic cells have diploid number of chromosomes while sex cells have haploid number of chromosomes

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How are sex cells are somatic cells different?

Hi, To start with, sex cells and somatic cells have totally different functions. Sex cells are used entirely for the use of reproduction and somatic cells are what makes up your body and helps you function. Sex cells have 23 chromosomes, and only one set of genetic information that incorporates traits of both you mum and dad. Somatic cells on the other hand have 46 chromosomes and have two sets of genetic information (one from your dad and one from your mum). When these cells divide, they also go through different systems. Sex cells go through meiosis, which is separated into eight steps and results into 4 different cells. Somatic cells go through mitosis which ends up in two daughter cells. Hope this helped.

What do somatic cells form?

Somatic cells make up the body cells, as opposed to the gametes, which are sex cells.

Is a hepatocyte a somatic cell?

Yes, a hepatocyte is a somatic cell. All the cells in the body, except for sex cells (sperm and ovum/egg), are somatic cells.

Is this true that sex Cells have one-half of the number of chromosome Pairs as body -Somatic- Cells have?

Yes it is. Gametic sex Cells have the genetic complement of 1N; somatic Cells are 2N.

Is somatic cells associated with meiosis?

no. somatic cells are all cells of the body that are not gametes. meiosis only involves the production of gametes. not somatic cells

What kind of cells would be diploid?

Somatic (body) cells. NOT sex cells.

Do body cells have less chromosomes than sex cells?

No, somatic (non-sex) cells have twice the number of chromosomes that sex cells have.

Does somatic cells contain sex chromosomes?

Yes ,they do .

What are non-sex cells categorized as?

if you mean asexual then that is a cell that does not need a partner to reproduce. This is usually a single celled organism that reproduces by having the cell split in two and form into two different cells

What is difference between somatic cells and gametes cells?

Somatic cells are not involved in sexual reproduction. These are most of the cells in your body. Gametes are sex cells (sperm and ovules/eggs).

Does meiosis divide sex cells and body cells?

Yes, mitosis produces somatic cells for growth and repair of the organism.