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Q: How are space rocks related to earth rocks?
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Does a geologist study rocks oceans viruses or space?

A geologist studies rocks, among other things related to the earth.

Why do rocks from space not strike us on earth?

if the earth did not have an atmosphere, than many rocks from space would have striked the earth's surface by now.

Could space rocks be a danger to earth?

Yes, space rocks can be very dangerous to earth especially when they are close to us.

What space objects are made of chunks of rock?

Comets and asteroids are made of chunks of space rocks and dust. Meteorites are space rocks that are captured by the earth's gravity and fall to earth.

What rocks are related in the earth system?

all types of rocks, are like related to the earth system. igneous rocks, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks..Igneous rock is like the primary rock or mother rock.

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How may the Earth's position in space be related to the cycle of extinctions on earth

What are rocks from space that strike earth's surface?


How is geology related to earth space science?

It studies the earth and its neighbors in space.

What are rocks from outer space that bombarded the earth during formation of oceans?

Comets are the rocks that hit the earth during formation of oceans...

Meteors are rocks from outer space that?

Meteors are rocks from outer space that strike the Earth's atmosphere and are heated to incandescence (glowing heat) by friction. Most are completely vaporized, but some do fall to Earth.

How are rocks related to earth science?

Because rocks are formed deep in the Earth, and sometimes by compressed sand other sedimentary material.

How many space rocks have hit the earth?

Space rocks will have colided with the earth before Homo-Sapians exsisted so it is, unfortunatly, impossible to calculate. But it's happening all the time ... small ones, that is.