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by two powerful engines

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Space shuttles are powered using rocket engines that burn liquid fuel (such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen) or solid rocket boosters. Once out of Earth's atmosphere, the space shuttle relies on these engines to propel itself through space and maneuver in a zero-gravity environment.

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Q: How are space shuttles powered once out of earth's atmosphere?
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Why do space shuttles heat up when they re-enter into the earths atmosphere?

When the shuttle goes from the vacuum of space and enters the earths atmosphere, it heats up because of simple friction. The friction is from the shuttle going so fast and hitting the atmosphere. Same reason you sometimes see meteor showers.

Space shuttles travel in what layer of the atmosphere?

Space shuttles travel in the thermosphere, which is the second highest layer of the Earth's atmosphere. This layer extends from about 80 km to 550 km above the Earth's surface and is where the International Space Station orbits.

Do space shuttles land on the moon?

No, space shuttles do not land on the moon. Space shuttles are designed to be launched from Earth and re-enter the Earth's atmosphere for landing, not for landing on the moon. The Apollo missions were the only ones to have landed astronauts on the moon.

What layer of the atmosphere are space shuttles located?

Space shuttles typically operate in the thermosphere layer of the atmosphere, which extends from about 80 kilometers (50 miles) above the Earth's surface to between 550-1000 kilometers (340-620 miles) high. At these altitudes, the air is extremely thin, allowing the shuttles to operate efficiently in the near-vacuum conditions of space.

How many space shuttles have flown to space?

6 TotalChallenger, Columbia,Discovery, Atlantis, Endeavour, and Buran (Soviet reusable spacecraft) There have been six Space Shuttles. Five have flown in space. The first, Enterprise, flew only in Earth's atmosphere.

Related questions

Why do space shuttles heat up when they re-enter into the earths atmosphere?

When the shuttle goes from the vacuum of space and enters the earths atmosphere, it heats up because of simple friction. The friction is from the shuttle going so fast and hitting the atmosphere. Same reason you sometimes see meteor showers.

What takes in water?

Space shuttles, space rockets and also the atmosphere

Which atmospheric layer is where space shuttles orbit?

The atmosphere is divided in to five layers. These are Troposhere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. The space shuttles orbit in thermosphere.The atmosphere is divided in to five layers. These are Troposhere, Stratospere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. The space shuttles orbit in thermosphere.

Space shuttles travel in what layer of the atmosphere?

Space shuttles travel in the thermosphere, which is the second highest layer of the Earth's atmosphere. This layer extends from about 80 km to 550 km above the Earth's surface and is where the International Space Station orbits.

Do space shuttles land on the moon?

No, space shuttles do not land on the moon. Space shuttles are designed to be launched from Earth and re-enter the Earth's atmosphere for landing, not for landing on the moon. The Apollo missions were the only ones to have landed astronauts on the moon.

What layer of the atmosphere are space shuttles located?

Space shuttles typically operate in the thermosphere layer of the atmosphere, which extends from about 80 kilometers (50 miles) above the Earth's surface to between 550-1000 kilometers (340-620 miles) high. At these altitudes, the air is extremely thin, allowing the shuttles to operate efficiently in the near-vacuum conditions of space.

What powered the Mars rover mission?

A lot of space crafts and space shuttles get their power from an immense amount of pressure from gas which causes them to blast off.

How far can a space shuttles speedometer go to?

answer:it can go upto exosphere.Exosphere is the layer of a atmosphere.

How many space shuttles have flown to space?

6 TotalChallenger, Columbia,Discovery, Atlantis, Endeavour, and Buran (Soviet reusable spacecraft) There have been six Space Shuttles. Five have flown in space. The first, Enterprise, flew only in Earth's atmosphere.

How many space shuttles have blew up in space?

No shuttles have blown up in space. The Challenger disintegrated after launch on Jan 28, 1986 and the Columbia disintegrated during re-entry on Feb 1, 2003. Both were in the earth's atmosphere when they disintegrated.

How do space shuttles slow down when re entering earths atmoshpere?

Drag from air is the main thing that slows down the space shuttle on reentry.

How high in the earths atmosphere does a space shuttle travel?

230 miles out into space