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Q: How are species defined by the palcontological species concept?
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What are the 5 species concepts?

Biological species concept, phenetic species concept, reproductive competition species concept, evolutionary species concept, and the recognition species concept.

Which species concept could most easily be applied to fossils?

Fossil species cannot be defined with the genetic definition. But then that's also true of most of the species that biologists define among living organisms.

What is the difference between the typological species concept and the morphological species concept?

The main difference between the typological species concept and the morphological species concept is that the typological species concept classifies organisms that share characteristics that set them apart from others, whereas the morphological species concept classifies them as the same species if they appear identical.

What concept applies to asexual reproducing species?

Ecological species concept.

What are the differences between the morphological species concept biological species concept and phylogenetic species concept?

The morphological species concept differentiates species by their physical traits, basically. The biological species concept defines a species as generally organisms that breed with others of the same species; rather a genetic isolation concept. The phylogenetic concept is based on evolutionary relationships and is the concept used by cladists.

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Which concept applies to asexually reproducing species?

some bacteria...

How is a species defined.?

By the fixed alleles in the species

An individual organism?

Species (under the Biological Species Concept).

How is species defined as the biological species concept?

Organisms are the same species if the have the potential, or actually interbreed one with another. Does not apply to all organisms. Bacteria being an example of this. Is not as strong a concept as once it was as it did not adequately address hybridization.

What can two organisms not do according to the biological species concept?

According to the biological species concept, two organisms are of different species if they do not do which of these

Why are points lines and planes sufficient?

From the concept of a point, one can define a line. Once the concept of a line is defined, one can define a plane. From the concept of a plane, any higher dimension geometrical object can be defined, e.g. a volume.