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Stem cells are different from other cells in the body in several notable ways. They can divide and renew themselves many times, whereas other cells are more limited in their divisions. And when those stem cells divide, the new cells can become specialized if necessary. Stem cells have no assigned function in the body, but through the process of specialization, they can take on roles in any of the body's tissues. These type of cells can be derived from human embryos or from certain spots in the adult human body.

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10y ago

Stem cells are different from other kinds of cells because they are not specialized and can give way to other, more complicated cells.

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They produce other cells.

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Why do cell researchers prefer to use embryonic stem cells instead of adult stem cells?

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How do cells differentiate to become specialized to a particular function?

Only stem cells are able to differentiate. They do this to create more cells for the variety of organs in your body.