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Stretch reflexes are used to determine which areas of the body that the central nervous system does not respond to. For instance, if you tap your knee to check reflex, and the leg doesn't move, then you will know that the peripheral nerves that lead to the knee are non-responsive or that the brain isn't receiving a signal from that area.

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Q: How are stretch reflexes used to find a spinal cord injury?
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What cord mediated reflexes?

The knee and elbow reflexes

What is a c2 spinal cord injury?

A C2 spinal cord injury is an injury to the 2nd spinal segment in the cervical section of the spinal cord.

Do reflexes always involve the spinal cord?

Yes, the spinal cord controls ALL of your reflexes!

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Introduction. Spinal cord reflexes are simple behaviors produced by central nervous system (CNS) pathways that lie entirely within the spinal cord. The sensory afferent fibers that evoke these reflexes enter the spinal cord and activate spinal motor neurons directly or through a chain of one or more spinal interneurons

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spinal cord

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Spinal shock, which is caused by a spinal cord injury, is characterized by a loss of sensation, motor paralysis, and initial loss of reflexes (which eventually recover). at T1 level what should a nurse be looking for

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Why will a c7 spinal cord injury cause hypoventalation

What does the medical abbreviation SCI mean?

Spinal Cord InjuryIn medical terms, SCI stands for spinal cord injury.1) Science2) Spinal Cord Injuryspinal cord injury

What can happen to a person with spinal cord injury?

a person with a spinal cord injury could become paralyzed or go into a coma