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Q: How are sun bears different to other bears?
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Do sun bears eat leopards?

No. Sun bears and leopards live in different biomes, thus never meet.

Why are sun bears called sun bears?

Sun bears are called sun bears because of their bib-shaped orange patches on their chests.

What are the sun bears enemies?

Adult sun bears have few predators other than humans. Some predators to the sun bear are tigers, large reticulated pythons, leopards, and the sun bear's larger relative, the Asiatic black bear.Sumatran tigers have been known to prey on sun bears on occasion. Komodo dragons, reticulated pythons, and saltwater crocodiles will also eat sun bears.

What do sun bears do?

Sun bears eat vertebrates: lizards and birds and fruit and vegetables.The sun bear eats a variety of things, ranging from small animals to fruits, grubs, honey, different plants, fruit, and shoots.

Do sun bears eat sloth bears?


How are black bears different from other bears?

They are different because they eat different foods and black bears eat insect not brown bears in north amercia .

What are the different of bears?

Polar bears, American black bears, Asiatic black bears, Brown bears, Sloth bears, Sun bears, Spectacle bear, and Panda bear.polar bearsblack bearsbrown bearsAsiatic bearsspectacled bearsand akibearsThere are different types of Bear:American Black BearAsiatic Black BearBrown bearAnd they have their sub categories.There are eight bear species.There are 8 species of bear. Here are the bear species: North American Black Bear, Brown, Polar, Asiatic black bear, Andean, Panda, Sloth, and Sun Bear.

Where sun bears make their homes?

Sun bears live in the tropical rainforests of southeast Asia.

How is the sun different then the other planets?

The Sun is a star.

Are there sun bears in China?

There is one tiny spot in southeastern China where sun bears live, right on the border of Vietnam. There is a larger area surrounding that where sun bears may live, but scientists do not know for sure. Most sun bears live in Southeast Asia.

Do bears eat dragonflies?

Most bears do not live in habitats of the komodo dragon. Only the sun bear lives in southeast asia and india. However, sun bears never eat komodo dragons.

Are sun bears in North American zoos?

Yes, they are in a few. Some of the zoos which have Sun Bears are Honolulu, Oregon and San Diego according to a Google search of Sun Bears in Zoos.