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By ship; civilian or military.

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Q: How are tanks transported overseas?
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How is wool transported overseas?

by ship and plane

How are army tanks transported?

Ships, flat bed trucks, and trains. Light tanks such as the Vietnam era M551 Sheridan (built of aluminum) could be transported by air.

What role did sailing play in overseas exploration?

It transported people there

What role did sailing technology play in overseas exploration?

It transported people there

How were American troops transported throughout the Vietnam war?

helicopters and tanks.

How is the gold transported overseas for export?

By the calculous of it , it appears that it is shipped overseas travelling over and across the deep deep trenches of the ocean.

How did the very large tanks from Germany get bto Africa?

They were typically transported by ship.

Can a tank be transported in a helicopter?

No, tanks are too heavy to be transported by a helicopter. Some Light Armored Vehicles can be transported, but not a tank. There are a couple of commercial helicopters that have the lifting power to move a tank, but it is not military and it is lifted externally, not internally.

Can potassium chloride be transported in aluminum tanks?

Yes if you want to cause a very big chemical reaction

How were supplies transported overseas in World War 1?

The Merchant Marine naval ships provided the transport of supplies .

How is oil transported overseas?

Getting oil from the well to the refinery and from there to the service station requires a complex transportation and storage system. Millions of barrels of oil are transported every day in tankers, pipelines and trucks.

How is natural gas transported from gas fields to its final destination overseas?

The Coal Seam is extracted and stored in tanks for processing then is liquified by cooling the gas which shrinks its volume for easier, economical and safe transportation by ship.This makes it easier to store as well.It is then kept in infillated tanks until it is ready for loading into a specially designed ship that carries the liquid. When the ship arrives at its destination, the liquid is transported by pipelines to regasification tanks where it is heated, returning it to its gasy form. The gas is then transported by pipelines to customers providing energy for homes and industries.