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The mass of electron is 5,485 799 090 70(16)×10−4 amu.

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Q: How are the atomic mass unit change of an electron expressed in scientific notation?
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Why does proton and electron are equal atomic number?

They have not atomic numbers. Atomic number is made by number of protons an atom has.

What could be a sentence for electron?

Atoms with larger atomic numbers have a larger electron cloud, or system of orbitals

Electron configuration of Ge?

Germanium has atomic no. 32. Its electronic configuration is 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p2.

What are the three subatomic partcle of an atom?

The three subatomic particles of an atom that are commonly referred to are the proton, the neutron, and the electron. The proton has a charge of +1 and is found in the atomic nucleus. The neutron has no charge and is also found in the atomic nucleus. Electrons have a charge of -1 and are found outside of the atomic nucleus in a place called the electron cloud.

Which of the three subatomic particles proton electron or nuetron has the least mass?

Electrons have the least mass, with protons and then finally neutrons.

Related questions

When and why is scientific notation used?

Scientific notation is used in numbers that are very large, or small- also if they include many zeroes. For example, they are used to show atomic values of distances/sizes of celestial beings. (the sun, stars, etc) Or, an electron's weight.

Electron notation for aluminum?

The electron configuration of aluminum is [Ne]3s23p1.

What is the scientific number for electron and proton?

Both of them are sub atomic particles. They have different charges on them.

How many atomic mass uniuts are there in 4.8g in scientific notation?

In scientific notation, we have 4.8 x 100 g since the decimal place occurs between the leading nonzero digit and the adjacent digit.

The electron notation for aluminum atomic number 13 is?

Aluminum is on the 3rd row, 3rd column of the periodic table, so its 1st and 2nd shells are full, and 3 electrons are in the third shell. The configuration is: 1s22s22p63s23p1.

What is orbital notation for rubidium?

Rubidium has an atomic number of 37, making it an alkali metal. This means that its last shell is an s with only one electron. The full notation is [Kr] 5s1.

What is the noble gas notation for Cs?

The electron configuration of caesium is: [Xe]6s1.

What is the size order for these scientific particles Proton Neutron Atom Electron Nucleus?

IIRC Atoms (contains Protons/Neutrons and electrons) Nucleus contains Protons and Nuetrons Proton atomic size 1 Nuetron atomic size 1 electron atomic size 1/1836 i.e the proton is 1836 bigger than the electron

What is the shorthand configuration notation of Carbon?

Carbon has the chemical symbol of C and an atomic number of 6. Its shorthand or electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p2.

What is the Noble gas notation of rubidium?

Rubidium has an atomic number of 37, making it an alkali metal. This means that its last shell is an s with only one electron. The full notation is [Kr] 5s1.

What is the full electron configuration of oxygen without using noble gas notation or superscripts for the numbers?

The electron configuration of oxygen (atomic number 8) is 1s2 2s2 2p4The noble gas form is [He] 2s22p4

What does the atomic mass of an electron represent?

The mass of an electron is atomic mass units is 5,485 799 090 70(16); the mass of the electron is not an atomic mass.