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Q: How are the correct amounts of powder and liquid to be dispensed determined to dentistry?
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How do you spell dentistry?

Dentistry is the correct spelling.

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Vending machines use a variety of methods to detect the products that are dispensed, including sensors, infrared beams, and weight sensors. These methods ensure that the correct product is dispensed and that customers are charged accordingly.

How do you spell determind?

You need another e. It is determined.

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The correct dose will be determined by your doctor.

How do you spell official?

That is the correct spelling of "officially" (determined by an authority).

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tilt & gently shake the bottle until the desired amount of solid is dispensed.

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The correct spelling is "tenacious" (determined, persistent).

Is The atomic number of an element is determined by its number of protons?

That is correct

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That is the correct spelling of "tenacious" (determined, dogged).

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That is the correct spelling of "concert" (a musical presentation).

Are the amounts of reactants and products equal when equilibrium is reached?

Yes, it is correct.

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The correct spelling is diagnosed (determined ailment or cause of illness).