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Q: How are the effects of pku and tay sachs disease similar?
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How are the cause and onset of symptoms of huntingtons disease different from of PKU and Tay-Sachs disease?

Typcially, onset of symptoms with HD is from the mid 30-s to 40's.

How are the cause and onset of symptoms of Huntington's disease different from those of PKU and Tay Sachs disease?

Typcially, onset of symptoms with HD is from the mid 30-s to 40's.

What is a disease caused by an inherited abnormal gene?

Recessive diseases are severe and may lead to an early death. They include sickle cell anemia.Tay-Sachs disease.cystic fibrosis.phenylketonuria (PKU).

How would a child inherit PKU?

PKU is a genetic disease, caused by an inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine.

Which chromosomes causes the disease pku?

12 th chromosome

A defect in the enzyme which converts phenylalanine into tyrosine is characteristic of what disease?


Is pku disease an autosomal dominant trait?

It is an autosomal recessive trait.

Is PKU fatal?

no, you can get a mental disease but you cannot die from it exactly

How are the cause and onset of symptoms of Huntington's disease different from those of PKU and Tay-Sacks disease?

PKU and T-S are generally diseases of children. In most cases, the symptoms of Huntington's appear gradually, usually starting after age 30. You can get more information on HD from the wesite for HDSA.

Why is it that two normal parents could have a child with pku?

PKU, phenolketonuria, is a genetic disease caused by a recessive gene. So, a person with one normal and one faulty gene for this characteristic will not have the disease, you have to have two faulty genes to have the disease. If two people who each have one gene for PKU have a child, that child can inherit the gene from each parent and therefore will have two copies, causing the recessive trait to manifest.

Is there anything bad in phenylalanine?

No, it is simply put on packages and soda cans because there is a specific disease that can harm people if they ingest it. The disease is phenylketonuria, or PKU. It is a genetic disorder that keeps your body from metabolizing phenylalanine, which is an amino acid. If you have PKU and eat too much phenylalanine, it will cause mental retardation. NutraSweet has phenylalanine in it, so they don't want PKU sufferers to use it for obvious reasons. So...phenylalanine is okay for you if you don't have PKU.

Why is phenylalanine observed in the urine of a classical PKU patient?

PKU stands for phenylketonuria, the classic symptom of which (and the diagnostic test for the disease) is phenylalanine in the urine. This is a genetic disorder in which the body is unable to process phenylalalanine, so it is excreted in the urine.