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The difference between transcription and DNA replication is that transcription uses uracil.

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Nakia Fritsch

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2y ago
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15y ago

Replication involves DNA pairing with DNA, but transcription involves DNA pairing with RNA.

Replication means copying, and it applies to DNA. The two strands in a molecule of DNA separate, and a new strand of DNA is built (synthesized) along each, using the base pairing rules: A (adenine) with T (thymine); C (cytosine) with G (guanine).

Transcription means the synthesis of a molecule of RNA along one of the strands of DNA. The base pairing rules are essentially the same, but RNA has no thymine (T): it has uracil (U) instead. So the base pairing rules for transcription are (putting DNA first): A with U; C with G; G with C; T with A.

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13y ago

In the replication part, replication ensures that each new cell will have one complete set of genetic instructions. it does this by making identical strands of chromosomes. transcription enables to adjust to changing demands. it changes certain types of strands on the DNA

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13y ago

Replication of DNA is when DNA make a copy of itself

Transcription is when mRNA (messenger RNA) is formed as a results of DNA replication

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Lvl 11
2y ago

DNA replication uses thymine :)

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Jules Honea'

Lvl 5
1y ago

Transcription uses uracil

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Difference between DNA replication and transcription?

DNA replication is the process by which DNA makes an identical copy of itself, creating two identical DNA molecules. Transcription is the process by which a segment of DNA is copied into RNA by RNA polymerase, resulting in the creation of mRNA. In summary, DNA replication produces a copy of the entire DNA molecule, while transcription produces a copy of specific genes or segments of DNA in the form of mRNA.

What are two ways that the end result of transcription and replication of DNA differ?

In the replication part, replication ensures that each new cell will have one complete set of genetic instructions. it does this by making identical strands of chromosomes. transcription enables to adjust to changing demands. it changes certain types of strands on the DNA

What are the end results in transcription and translation?

Transcription yields a strand of messenger RNA, which then goes to the ribosomes, where it undergoes translation by transfer RNA, and the absolute end result is a protein.

How the end results of transcription and replication differ?

In the replication part, replication ensures that each new cell will have one complete set of genetic instructions. it does this by making identical strands of chromosomes. transcription enables to adjust to changing demands. it changes certain types of strands on the DNA

What is the end producof transcription?

The end product of transcription is messenger RNA (mRNA).

Compare and contrast the process of DNA replication to RNA transcription?

DNA replication means that the entire strand of DNA is copied. You end up with two double stranded DNAs that are full length. The four bases that make up DNA are A,T,G & C. Transcription is the copying of just a small section of DNA. From ChaCha!

Which direction does transcription take place?

Transcription takes place in the 5' to 3' direction. This means that RNA polymerase reads the DNA template strand in the 3' to 5' direction, synthesizing the complementary RNA strand in the 5' to 3' direction.

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The DNA replication fork is where the replication origin forms the Y shape. The replication fork moves down the DNA strand to the strand's end, resulting in every replication fork having a twin.

What The replication of bacteria?

If you mean reproduction, they reproduce by the process of binary fission. This is analagous to mitosis in the eukaryotes in the sense that the end result is two genetically identical copies of the original bacterium.

At the end of DNA replication what are you left with?

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What is the job of the DNA polymerases?

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