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Q: How are the enligtenment and the declaration in common?
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Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence :)

What does enligtenment mean?

Enlightenment means to come to understanding. it has different meaning to different people but it generally refers to perfect understanding.

What did all the signers of the declaration of independnce have in common?

they were all boys

What does Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence have in common?

Thomas Paine wrote about 'people had the right to govern themselves rather than a king' but, the Declaration of Independence states to break free from Brittan.

Is declaration a common noun?

No, the word 'declare' is a verb, a word for an action.Example: You have to declare the truthfulness of your testimony.The noun forms for the verb to declare are declarer, declaration, and the gerund, declaring, all common nouns.

Does declaration need to be capitalized?

No. Like any other common noun, declaration is only capitalized at the beginning of a sentence or when it is part of a title.

What does China have in common with other civilizations?

they all contributed to the declaration of independance

How did ideas from the enlightenment become part of the revolutionary ideology?

well many people during the revolutionary era studied the works of john Locke who developed a multitude of Enligtenment ideas and philosophies such as Life,liberty, and happiness, and natural/inalienable rights. SO basically when Thomas Jefferson was writing the Declaration of Independence, he considered john locke's principles and adopted them.

How did ideas from enlightenment become part of revolutionary ideology?

well many people during the revolutionary era studied the works of john Locke who developed a multitude of Enligtenment ideas and philosophies such as Life,liberty, and happiness, and natural/inalienable rights. SO basically when Thomas Jefferson was writing the Declaration of Independence, he considered john locke's principles and adopted them.