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Q: How are the forces between charges similar to to the forces between magnetic poles?
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How the behavior of electric charges similar to that of magnetic poles?

Like poles repel; opposite poles attract. They are similar to electric charges, for they can both attract and repel without touching. ... Electric charges produce electrical forces and regions called magnetic poles produce magnetic forces.

Magnetic poles are similar to electric charges in that they both can repel and attarct one another?

Yes, the rules for applying attraction and repulsion forces are the same for electric charges and magnets.

Forces that act on an object at a distance?

Some forces do not involve physical contact between the bodies on which they act. They act through the space between them. Such forces are called Non-Contact Forces or Action-at-a Distance Force. They are of three types, namely, magnetic force, electrostatic force and gravhtational force. Magnetic Force -- The forces which a magnet exerts on iron objects is called magnetic forces. Electrostatic Force -- The force which result due to the repulsion of similar charges or attraction of opposite charges is called electrostatic force. Gravitational force -- The force by which Earth pulls the objects towards its centre is called gravitational force.

What variables do magnetic forces rely on?

Magnetic forces are like gravity, only in place of mass, the force between two magnets is directly proportional to the product of the charges, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. There are also maxwell's equations which are much more complicated, but better explain the activity of electromagnetic charges on a more universal scale.

What are the two causes of electric and magnetic forces?

mainly positive and negative charges

What are the causes of magnetic and electrical forces?

mainly positive and negative charges

How do forces between between electrical charges differ from forces between masses?

Gravitational forces are always attractive. Electrical charges are repulsive for same-type charges, and attractive for opposite-types.

Why are materials magnetic?

the materials are magnetic because of electromagnetic forces and this force is produced because of presence of positive and negative charges in them

How are magnetic poles and electric charges similar?

Main similarity: Like charges repel each other, different charges attract each other.Main difference: Magnetic "charges" can't be separated. At least, so far it has not been achieved.

What two types of forces can result from electric charges?

Electrostatic force and magnetic force.

What are the forces between charges?


How are magnetism and gravity similar?

Magnetism and gravity are two fundamental forces in nature.The Shell Theorem can prove both magnetic and gravitational forces.Gravitational forces are always attractive. However, magnetic forces can be either attractive or repulsive. Both forces decay as the square of the distance between particles forming a couple.