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They are related because during the medieval period Christendom had begun.

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Q: How are the medieval period and christendom related?
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How are medieval period and christendom related?

They are related because during the medieval period Christendom had begun.

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because lots of people who lived there were christians.

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A good example is the well known Joan of Arch biography. It takes place during the medieval period and most of the medieval autobiographys was done to the martyrs of that era. In the related links box below, I posted a link very usefull to understand this subject. Check it out for more information.

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Medieval Rome refers to the city of Rome in the medieval historical period. This was a period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance.

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The medieval period was from A.D. 500 to 1450.

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c. Finland and Estonia

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The time period before the Renaissance was the Middle Ages, or Medieval period. The Medieval period, lasted from the 5th to the 15th century.

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The medieval period starts from the 8th century to the 18th century.