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Q: How are the melting points of salts similar to that of metals?
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What kind of solid often have the highest melting points?

These are some metals and salts.

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What is the characteristic property of ionic compounds?

A.they have low melting points B.they from crystals with characteristic shapes C.they contain no charged particles __________________________________________________________________

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Organic salt with a structure similar to that of soap?

organic salts similar to soaps are detergents

Which material has higer melting point NaCl or sugar explain?

Generally inorganic ionic salts have higher melting points than organic materials; the bonds are stronger.

Similar in nature to the other alkaline earth metals salts of this metal are used in flares and fireworks?


What type of metals is found in salts?

All types of metals form salts.

What elements are known for forming salts?

All metals form salts.

Compare and contrast the reaction of alkaline earth metals with their salts?

All alkaline earth metals and their salts are reactive and they have a blue-print that identifies them as an alkaline earth metal but metals exist as metals, and salts as salts, with different structural compounds.

Does salt usually have a low melting point?

Yes salts have a low melting point. I think...

Why do salts share the same properties of ionic compounds?

The alkali metals all are shiny, silvery, soft, they have low densities, they can float on water, are very reactive and rarely found alone.