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Q: How are the plants in boreal forests well-suited for survival?
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How many plants does Mexico have?

Literally, millions. 63% of the Mexican territory - almost two times the size of Texas - is covered by forests of many kinds, including scrub forests (arid climate), boreal, temperate and subtropical highland forests (temperate climate) and tropical rainforests (warm climate).

What is the difference between the rain-forest and boreal bio-mes?

Rainforests are characterized by high temperatures, heavy rainfall, and rich biodiversity, while boreal forests are cold and relatively dry with coniferous trees dominating the landscape. Rainforests are found near the equator, while boreal forests are found in northern regions closer to the Arctic. The two biomes support different types of plants and animals adapted to their specific environmental conditions.

Which are cone bearing plants?

Cone-bearing plants, also known as conifers, include pine, spruce, fir, cedar, and cypress trees. These plants produce cones as part of their reproductive process, with seeds found inside the cones. Conifers are common in temperate and boreal forests around the world.

What are the Boreal Forests Natural Resources?

forest land and trees on it .in the forest you can find different kinds of plants,trees,and flowers.In the forest you can also find animals ..basta ewan .im just asking here ehh!!

How do plants adapt to taiga?

Plants in the taiga adapt to the cold and harsh conditions by having needle-like leaves that reduce water loss, shallow root systems to access nutrients in the thin soil layer, and the ability to go dormant during the long winter months. They also produce antifreeze proteins to survive freezing temperatures.

What are the forests like?

forests have a lot of trees plants and animals.

How do plants in boreal forest survive?

Trees bark thickens to protect them from cold of winter

What are plants that live in rain forests?

same plants we have

Which biome do moose live in?

Moose can be found in boreal forests, taiga, and temperate deciduous forests. These biomes provide the moose with the necessary food sources, such as aquatic plants, shrubs, and trees, as well as suitable habitat for shelter and mating.

Why do rainforest plants look evergreen?

An evergreen forest is a forest consisting entirely or mainly of evergreen trees that retain green foliage all year round. Such forests reign the tropics primarily as broadleaf evergreens, and in temperate and boreal latitudes primarily as coniferous evergreens.

What is a moose's biome?

Moose primarily inhabit boreal and mixed forests, as well as tundra regions. They prefer areas with dense vegetation for cover and food sources, such as willow, aspen, and aquatic plants. Moose are well-adapted to cold climates and can be found in northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia.

How do plants adapt themselves to their environment for survival?

needs survival