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i think its the heart beat

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Q: How are the respiration rates of fish related to their heart rates?
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What makes amphibian fish different?

Amphibians have three-chambered heart and lungs for respiration, while fishes have two-chambered heart and gills for respiration.

What do amphibians have that fish doesn't?

Amphibians can live in water or land environments, as long as the land environment is moist enough for them, while fish can only live in the water. Their gills are specifically designed to filter oxygen from the water.

Can fish oil help prevent a heart attack?

There are various uses of fish oil. Yes..Fish oil helps prevent heart attack. You can get more information from the related link

How can you measure respiration accurately?

It is hypothesized that fish have higher respiration rates in warmer water because metabolic rates are faster in a warmer climate for exotherms. Results show that the respiration rate of fish was greater in the 76 degree Fahrenheit tank (mean=203 breaths per minute) than in the 71 degree Fahrenheit tank (mean=79 breaths per minute) (p=0.04). Another trend observed is that , although not significant, was that smaller fish have a higher respiration rate than larger fish in both temperatures (p=0.19).

How does stress make fish sick?

It will increase their blood pressure, heart rate & respiration which can make them susceptible to parasites or other illnesses

Compare and contrast fish and amphibian body structures?

frogs have many things such as bilateral symmetry a mouth and an anus they are cold blooded creatures fish are vertebrates. Their (bone) skeletons give their bodies structure.

What organ in the fish is closely related in the function of a human ear?

lateral lines, they pike up vibrations

Which has a higher rate of respiration Elodea or a small fresh water zebra fish?

The zebra fish will have a higher respiration rate

Does the music affect the respiration rate a fish?

Although I can not say authoritatively, I can however say that fish can not "hear" as we do but instead sense vibrations with their swim bladder. Some fish, particularly fresh water Amazonian fish, sense the vibrations from thunder storms which act as a signal to spawn. Bass frequencies in music can imitate this. One would assume that their respiration rate would increase as a result of the urge to spawn.

What is the means of respiration of clown fish?

All fish respire via the gills.

What organs are used in animals and fish for respiration?

Animals = lungs Fish = gills

Are the nostrils involved in the respiration of the fish?

No , nostrils are absent in fish , fish inhale water by open mouth .