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The axis always remains parallel to the previous position as Earth revolves around the sun; the axis always points in the same direction. Since this is true, you cans see that during its revolution, the direct sunlight hits at different points of the Earth. If the axis pointed in random directions all the time, direct sunlight wouldn't hit in the same spot at the same time every year, thus there would be no seasons. This would also mean that if at some point the axis was pointed directly at the sun, the North Pole would be receiving extreme amounts of heat, and the ice would melt. At the same time, the South Pole would be receiving very little direct sunlight, creating severely cold temperatures.

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Q: How are the seasons caused by parallelism?
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Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the Sun. This tilt means that different parts of the Earth receive varying amounts of sunlight at different times of the year, leading to changes in temperature and weather patterns.

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The seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis combined with its movement around the?

Sun. As the Earth orbits the Sun, the tilt of its axis causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying levels of sunlight, creating the seasons.

What is caused by your tilted axis and your orbit?

Earth's tilted axis and orbit around the sun cause the changing of seasons. The tilt of Earth's axis means that different parts of the planet receive varying amounts of sunlight during different times of the year, resulting in the familiar cycle of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Are the seasons caused by tilt in the earth s axis?

its because of the timeing and day light of the seasons

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No. The phases of the moon are completely unrelated to the seasons. The seasons are caused by the tilt of earth's axis of rotation.

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Day and night is caused by the rotation of the earth about its axis. Seasons are caused by the axial tilt of the earth

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