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they are alike beacuse well i do not know

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Q: How are the senses of taste and smell alike?
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How are senses of taste and smell alike?

they are alike beacuse well i do not know

What two senses are closely related?

The senses of taste and smell are closely related.

How are the senses taste and smell different?

the sense of smell is, because if you cant smell then you cant taste

What are know as the 'chemical senses'?

The "chemical senses" refer to taste and smell, which are sensory systems that detect and respond to chemical molecules in the environment. Taste involves the detection of chemicals in food through taste buds on the tongue, while smell involves the detection of chemicals in the air through olfactory receptors in the nasal cavity.

Name 5 senses?

there are 5 sight hear touch taste smell

What actors and actresses appeared in You and Your Senses of Smell and Taste - 1955?

The cast of You and Your Senses of Smell and Taste - 1955 includes: Cliff Edwards as Jiminy Cricket

What does chemoreceptors play a role in the sense of?

Smell and Taste are the two senses that depend on chemoreceptors

What is smell and taste mean?

Smell and taste are 2 of the 5 senses we humans have: smell, taste, hear, sight, and feel. Guess what? You use your nose to smell and tongue to taste. Surprise, surprise.

What are receptors that mediate the senses of smell and taste?


What is one of our senses?

Your five senses are sight, hearing, touch, smelling and tasting.

What are examples of the 5 senses?

The five senses are Taste, Smell, Sight, Touch, and Hearing.

How your senses of hearing taste and smell works?

They are all the senses you use when you eat something.