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the answer is u need to take a great picture and examine it]

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Q: How are the seven elements of design used in the photograph by Olive Cotton the Teacup Ballet?
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What are things in the house that start with the letter T?

Some things in the house that start with the letter T are:tabletable clothtablewaretacostangerinesteatea kettletea potteddy beartelevisionthermometerthermostatticketstiestilestirestoes (mine)toffeetoilettoilet papertomatoestoolstoothbrushtoothpastetoss pillowstowelstraystubtub mattumblers (drinking cups)Tupperwaretweezerstwister gameteddytvtumble dryer

A Thing that start with the letter T?

Tablecloth, tablespoon, taco, tangerine, tattoo, taxi, teacup, teaspoon, teeth, telephone, telescope, television, tent, thigh, thimble, thorn, thread, throat, throne, tiger, tire, toad, toaster, toe, toga, toilet, tollbooth, tomato, tombstone, tongue, tonsil, tooth, toothbrush, torpedo, tortoise, toucan, towel, toy, train, tray, treadmill, tree, tricycle, trolley, trophy, trousers, truck, tub, tunnel, turban, turkey, turtle, tuxedo, twig, twine and typewriter are things. They begin with T.

What letter start with T?

Tab, tabernacle, table, tablecloth, tablespoon, tablet, tabletop, taboo, tabulate, tacit, tack, tackle, tacky, taco, tactic, tactical, tadpole, taffy, tag, tail, tailor, taint, take, takeout, talcum, talk, tally, tamale, tan, tangerine, tank, tango, tape, tar, target, tariff, tarantula, target, tarp, tassel, taste, tattoo, tax, taxi, tea, teacher, teacup, teaspoon, teakwood, team, tee, teeth, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temper, temple, tennis, tent, test, text, thank, thanks, that, thatch, theory, thesis, thief, thigh, thimble, thing, thirst, thorn, thread, thrift, throat, throne, throw, thumb, thunder, tic, tidal, tie, tiger, tight, tile, time, timid, tinsel, tiny, tire, titan, title, toad, toaster, toe, toga, toggle, toilet, toll, tollbooth, tomato, tomb, tombstone, tongue, tonsil, tooth, toothbrush, torpedo, tortoise, toucan, towel, town, toy, train, trap, travel, tray, treadmill, tree, tricycle, trip, tripod, trolley, trophy, trousers, truck, true, tub, tube, tune, tunnel, turban, turkey, turn, turnip, turtle, tuxedo, twelve, twenty, twig, twin, twine, two, typewriter and typo are words. They begin with the letter T.

Words with the three letters cup?

grep cup /usr/share/dict/words acupress acupressure acupunctuate acupunctuation acupuncturation acupuncturator acupuncture alecup anteoccupation archcupbearer Ascupart aucupate bluecup bridecup buttercup concupiscence concupiscent concupiscible concupiscibleness concupy creamcup cup cupay cupbearer cupboard cupcake cupel cupeler cupellation cupflower cupful cuphead cupholder cupidinous cupidity cupidon cupidone cupless cupmaker cupmaking cupman cupmate cupola cupolaman cupolar cupolated cupped cupper cupping cuppy cuprammonia cuprammonium cupreine cuprene cupreous cupressineous cupric cupride cupriferous cuprite cuproammonium cuprobismutite cuprocyanide cuprodescloizite cuproid cuproiodargyrite cupromanganese cupronickel cuproplumbite cuproscheelite cuprose cuprosilicon cuprotungstite cuprous cuprum cupseed cupstone cupula cupulate cupule cupuliferous cupuliform decuple decuplet dewcup dicecup dihydrocupreine dihydrocuprin disoccupation disoccupy dodecuplet duodecuple eggcup eggcupful encup ethylhydrocupreine eyecup fevercup giltcup goldcup hiccup hydrocupreine inoccupation kingcup leafcup misoccupy nonoccupant nonoccupation nonoccupational nonrecuperation nuncupate nuncupation nuncupative nuncupatively occupable occupance occupancy occupant occupation occupational occupationalist occupationally occupationless occupative occupiable occupier occupy oilcup overcup overpreoccupation overpreoccupy porcupine porcupinish preoccupancy preoccupant preoccupate preoccupation preoccupative preoccupied preoccupiedly preoccupiedness preoccupier preoccupy queencup recuperability recuperance recuperate recuperation recuperative recuperativeness recuperator recuperatory reoccupation reoccupy scup scupful scuppaug scupper scuppernong scuppet scuppler semicup semicupium semicupola sescuple subdecuple sucupira suncup teacup teacupful toothcup uncupped undercup underoccupied unoccupancy unoccupation unoccupied unoccupiedly unoccupiedness unpreoccupied unrecuperated vesicupapular watercup whitecup yellowcup

What is the difference between art and craft?

Art and Craft Difference Craft work is skilled work: any kind of craft must involve the application of a technique. The word, after all, is the German Kraft, simply means power or ability. Craft involves technique, yes, but not necessarily mechanical technology. For we wouldn't attribute a high level of craftsmanship to a machine which produced thousands of coffee mugs in an hour. Craft implies the application of human intelligence and usually when we use the word we have in mind the application of the human hand. The craftsman has tools at command, but to the extent that the tools themselves, independent of human guidance, accomplish a task, we don't talk about craftsmanship. A second point. The concept of craft is historically associated with the production of useful objects and art well, at least since the 18th century with useless ones. The craftsman's teapot or vase should normally be able to hold tea or flowers, while the artist's work is typically without utilitarian function. In fact, if an object is made demonstrably useless if, to cite a famous example, you take a teacup and line it entirely with animal fur it has to be considered as a work of art, because there is nothing else left to consider it as. The crafts tend to produce things which are useful for various human purposes, and though they may be pretty or pleasing in any number of ways, craft objects tend to exhibit their prettiness around a purpose external to the object itself. To this extent, the crafts aren't arts, according to a idea which found fullest expression in the aesthetics of the great Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant. Works of art, Kant said, are 'intrinsically final': they appeal purely at the level of the imagination and aren't good for any practical utility, except and I'll return to this except the cultivation of the human spirit. These two symptoms of craft, that craft involves the application of intelligent skill (often some kind of handwork), and that it commonly results in the production of useful objects, are uncontroversial, but they still don't get us very far in distinguishing craft from art. Because, of course, works of art in painting, in music and its performance, in poetry, and elsewhere normally require skill, and, moreover, many great works of art are also objects of enormous practical value, for example, works of architecture.