



Questions pertaining to all camera types, equipment, supplies, techniques, processes, technologies and the history of photography. As well as questions about famous photographers, their work, career opportunities or training. Please note images of specific photographs and critiques of the various works are not part of this category.

4,512 Questions

What element is a noble gas used in light bulbs and photographic pictures?

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The noble gas used in light bulbs and photographic pictures is typically argon. Argon helps prevent the filament from burning out too quickly in light bulbs and provides a stable environment for processing photographic film.

What kind of photographs is best for a time capsule?

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Photographs that capture significant moments, events, or people of the time period are ideal for a time capsule. Images that showcase daily life, popular culture, or major world events can provide valuable insights for future generations. It's also great to include a mix of posed portraits and candid shots for a well-rounded snapshot of the era.

What is a selenium Camera?

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A selenium camera is a type of light metering system that uses a selenium cell to measure the amount of light available for a photograph. It is commonly found in older film cameras and works by converting light into an electrical current which helps to determine the optimal exposure settings for a photo.

How is Zirconium used in photography?

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Zirconium is used as a white pigment in photographic paper to improve its reflective properties and enhance image quality. It is also used in the manufacture of certain chemicals used in the development process of photographs. Additionally, zirconium compounds are used in the production of light-sensitive emulsions in photography.

How many cameras do the mars rovers have?

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The Mars rovers, such as Curiosity and Perseverance, typically have multiple cameras on board. These cameras serve various purposes, including navigation, hazard avoidance, scientific imaging, and capturing panoramic views of the Martian landscape. Each rover can have anywhere from 17 to 23 cameras, depending on the mission objectives and instrument requirements.

Why do you see horizontal stripes in photographs of jupiter and saturn?

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The horizontal stripes seen on Jupiter and Saturn are actually bands of clouds in their atmospheres. These bands are caused by different wind speeds and directions at different latitudes. The different cloud compositions and altitudes create variations in color and appearance along these bands.

Why is hypo used in photography?

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Hypo, or sodium thiosulfate, is used in photography to fix or stabilize the image on photographic paper by removing any unexposed silver halide. This process helps to make the image permanent and prevent further exposure to light from affecting the final print.

What are Mylar Holograms?

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Mylar holograms are holographic images or patterns created on a thin, reflective polyester film material called Mylar. These holograms are commonly used for anti-counterfeiting measures on products such as credit cards, ID cards, and packaging, as they are difficult to replicate accurately. The holographic images on Mylar can change appearance depending on the angle of view and lighting conditions.

What are the similarities between a map and a photograph?

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A map is spell map and a photograph is spell phototgraph.

What is a Photograph of a specimen taken through a compound light microscope called?

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A photograph of a specimen taken through a compound light microscope is called a photomicrograph.

What is the chemical solution used to soften the colors in photograph development?

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The chemical solution used to soften the colors in photograph development is called a color developer. It plays a key role in converting the latent image into visible colors on the photographic paper or film.

Do red light photo enforcement cameras use green lights at night?

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Yes, many red light photo enforcement cameras use infrared flash technology to capture images at night without using visible light like green lights. This allows the camera to operate discreetly without alerting drivers.

Which type of of pyrotechnic item is used for illuminating terrain for night time aerial reconnaissance photography?

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Flares are typically used for illuminating terrain during night time aerial reconnaissance photography. These pyrotechnic devices generate a bright light when ignited, which helps in providing visibility for capturing images in low-light conditions.

What best why you see horizontal stripes in photographs of Jupiter and Saturn?

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Horizontal stripes on Jupiter and Saturn are caused by fast-moving jet streams in their atmospheres. These bands of clouds are created by the planet's rapid rotation and heat distribution mechanisms, leading to alternating belts of lighter and darker cloud formations.

What are the Careers relating geology and photography?

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Some careers that relate geology and photography include geological photography, where professionals capture geological formations, landscapes, and rock samples for research or documentation purposes. Another option is environmental photography, where photographers capture images of landscapes, ecosystems, and natural resources, often working with geologists to showcase the earth's geological processes and features. Additionally, science communication roles involve combining geology knowledge with photography to visually communicate complex geological concepts to a broader audience.

NASA plans to launch a spaceship that will photograph your Milky Way Galaxy from beyond its halo?

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That sounds like an exciting mission! The images captured from beyond the halo of the Milky Way Galaxy could provide valuable insights into its structure, composition, and evolution. This data could help scientists better understand our place in the universe.

How did x-ray photographs help Watson and crick determine the structure of DNA?

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X-ray photographs taken by Rosalind Franklin provided key information about the structure of DNA, suggesting a helical shape with a repeating pattern. Watson and Crick used this data to build a model of the DNA molecule, leading to their discovery of the double helix structure. Franklin's work was crucial in providing the evidence necessary for Watson and Crick to propose their groundbreaking model.

Maps differ photographs in many significant ways including?

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Maps differ from photographs in many significant ways, including the use of imaginary lines or boundaries.

Does a speeding or red light violation caught in camera in Louisiana go on your record and make insurance go up?

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Yes, a speeding or red light violation caught on camera in Louisiana will go on your driving record and can result in an increase in insurance premiums. Insurance companies may view these violations as a higher risk behavior, leading to potential rate hikes.

A camera rests on a platform that is 10 meters above the ground What kind of energy does it possess?

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i hate that class, program thinky

lol as do i right now i am in the middle of doing the class i would much rather play with sticks then do this lol

How many feet is in 135mm?

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It is important to know how to convert units while on the job. In 135 millimeters there are 0.44 feet.

Care of Amarillo plant?

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Water the Amarillo plant deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Place it in a location with bright, indirect light. Feed it with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season and prune as needed to maintain its shape. Watch out for pests like spider mites and scale insects, and treat promptly if any are detected.

What are lens openings called?

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Lens openings are called apertures. They regulate the amount of light that enters the camera lens to control exposure and depth of field in a photograph. The size of the aperture is measured in f-stops.

What chemical is used to develop film?

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Asked by Femailady

Since I spent many happy years in total darkness as a professional developing and printing all my own black and white, I can address the question from a monochrome standpoint.

Most black and white (monochrome) developing solutions are what old timers call "M-Q" developers. The M stands for Metol (monomethyl-p-aminophenol hemisulfate), and the Q is short for hydroquinone, or just Quinone, a type of phenol. These two are often used in various combinations to formulate many common monochrome developers for either film or paper. Metol and hydroquinone in aqueous solution have the property of reducing sensitized silver halides (salts of silver) found in films and papers to metallic silver, which is what the developed image is made of. By varying the proportions of each, many types of developers may be made for longer scale or higher contrast. There are ready to mix powders or liquid concentrates, or the worker with a laboratory scale and a sense of daring can formulate his/her own. Eastman Kodak used to publish a fat book of all their formulas, but I don't know if it's still available.

Many developers also include Phenidone (1-phenyl-3-pyrazolidinone), which is much more active than Metol but harder to control because of its reactivity.

Together with the necessary developing (reducing) agents are usually mixed alkalis because an aqueous alkaline solution works much better and faster than one with a neutral pH. Sodium carbonate is one typical alkali added to developers. Many others may be used alone or in combination depending on the contrast wanted and the speed of working.

Developers are perishable and liable to combine with atmospheric oxygen, since all developer is, is an oxidizer. To prevent accidental underdevelopment due to aerial oxidation of an older solution, many workers use "one shot" developers, mixing and using them fresh. Sodium sulfite is usually added to developers as a preservative. It is also alkaline.

A little more about b&w developersAs the above answer stated, there are three basic chemicals in use: metol, phenidone and hydroquinone. There are a LOT of agents that have been used in the past, like paraminophenol, amidol and pyrocatechol, but the trinity of metol, phenidone and hydroquinone has served us well for decades and will into the future.

Metol and phenidone are "detail" agents. In general a formula will contain either metol or phenidone; very few formulas use both. It's possible to replace metol with phenidone in most formulas, and it's better if you do--metol is a weird, weird ingredient. For one thing, it won't dissolve if there's too much sodium sulfite in solution. If you buy packaged D-76 from Kodak, you will pour it into water just a little at a time while you stir and stir and stir until your arm tries to fall off, and in the end you'll have all these little metol crystals floating on top. Come back the next day, and the metol basically just gives up. Ilford made a version of D-76 they called ID-11. The difference was it came in two little pouches. One had the developing agents plus just a little sodium sulfite, the other had all the rest of the ingredients. You mixed Packet A into water, then Packet B and added more water to equal one litre. That dissolved really easily and gave the same result on film. The other problem with metol is, it's a sensitizing agent--a lot of people are allergic to metol, and the more you work with metol the more likely you are to be allergic to it. Phenidone is hypoallergenic and dissolves in any sulfite concentration.

One thing you need to know if you're trying to substitute phenidone for metol: phenidone is so active it's capable of producing chemical fog in the highlights. You need to add a restraining agent to a phenidone developer; the classic restrainer is benzotriazole aka "Kodak Anti-Fog Number 1." The other restrainer is 6NBN (trust me, you do NOT want to know what that means!) aka "Kodak Anti-Fog Number 2." Number 1 is available wherever fine photochemicals are sold. 6NBN isn't so easy to come by.

Hydroquinone is a "contrast" developer. If you're looking for contrast quick, this is the stuff. Metol doesn't NEED this agent to work right, if you're willing to develop film for 23 minutes. (There are also "stand" developers that produce really spectacular events. They're pure metol, are very dilute, and they're used by pouring them into the tank and letting it stand undisturbed for a couple of hours.) Phenidone requires hydroquinone; you won't get any contrast without it--hence, no phenidone-based substitute for the hydroquinone-free D-23 or D-25 developers, which contain only metol, can be made. If you need a very contrasty developer, like a lith developer (lith negs have black, white and nothing in between), use only hydroquinone in your developer.

And from the color side...Color images are formed of dyes--cyan (negative red), magenta (negative green) and yellow (negative blue). The film contains layers that are sensitive to red, green or blue light, and each contains light-sensitive silver halide grains plus color couplers--partial dyes.

When a silver halide grain is developed into a silver grain, it oxidizes. The color coupler grabs the product of that oxidation, and converts into a visible amount of dye.

There are two chemicals used to develop color today: Kodak CD-3 (used in the processes for color slides and prints from slides) and Kodak CD-4 (used in the processes for negatives and prints from negatives). No one uses the proper chemical names for these two because they are very long.

Please click the Related Question below for an even more detailed answer on photo chemistry.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a CCTV camera?

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Advantages of CCTV cameras include increased security, crime deterrence, and surveillance monitoring. Disadvantages can include privacy concerns, potential misuse of footage, and the cost of installation and maintenance.