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The steps of cellular respiration is different when it is anaerobic respiration compared to aerobic respiration. The main difference is because aerobic respiration uses oxygen and anaerobic uses other elements but the other steps are similar.

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Ashlee Farrell

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Q: How are the step of cellular different when it is anaerobic respiration?
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Which of the 3 stages of cellular respiration is the most ancient?

It is the glycolisis. It is common to both aerobic and anaerobic respiration

What is anaerobic and anaerobic respiration?

Aerobic cellular respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen and anaerobic cellular respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen. Without the presence of oxygen, cellular respiration cannot go past Glycolysis (the first step of cellular respiration) and will be forced to find an alternative route which is, fermentation. Hope this helped.

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Aerobic respiration ends in mitochondria. Anaerobic in the cytoplasm

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Hippies ;)

What the first step in cellular respiration is?

The first step to respiration is glycolysis.

The first step in cellular respiration is .?

The first step to respiration is glycolysis.

What disrupts cellular respiration?

Cellular Respiration is a three step process; Glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle, and the Electron Transport Chain. Effective cellular respiration is an aerobic cycle, meaning that it requires oxygen. The first step, glycolysis, is an anaerobic process, meaning it does not require oxygen. Therefore, glycolysis is always able to take place. The next step is the Krebs Cycle. This is an aerobic process and does not take place in the absence of oxygen. If there is an absence of oxygen, bodily toxins such as ethyl alcohol and lactic acid are produced and cellular respiration is not carried out. To answer your question, a lack of oxygen is what disrupts cellular respiration.

Cellular respiration begins with?

Cellular respiration begins with glycolysis in the cytoplasm of the cell.

What are the similarities and differences between fermentation cellular respiration?

Question ispartiallywrong as fermentation is part of cellular respiration, question should be about similarities and differences in aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Cellular respiration is comprised of 3 stages , 1 glycolysis , 2 Krebs cycle and 3 electron transport chain .Fermentation is approximately similar to glycolysis except last step .

What is the process by which the chemical energy of food molecules is released?

The first step of the process is the digestion.

Humans need oxygen for what cellular process?

Humans need oxygen for the last step of cellular respiration, the process that generates energy to power cells. This is the only place oxygen is directly used in the body. One important thing to note is that earlier stages of cellular respiration like glycolysis is anaerobic!