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The tea party leaders do not respect the authority of the republican party. Some say that Speaker Boener has totally lost control of a giant chunk of his party.

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Q: How are the tea party leaders interacting with the republican party?
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In my opinion, his principal adversary is the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party.

Which party does the tea party allied itself with?

Republican. To be more specific, conservative grassroots republicans.

What is the Tea Party in Republican politics?

The current Tea Party is a loosely organized grass-roots political party which is more conservative than the Republican national leadership and which has recently become a problem for the Republicans by winning some primaries. Sarah Palin, who ran for VP in 2008 sometimes appears at tea party rallies which is also an embarrassment to the old line and moderate Republicans.

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No. The Tea Party movement is not nearly as organized as a political party, though some operatives of the Republican party are trying very hard to absorb the Tea Party's enthusiasm.

Is the Tea party just another wing of the Republican party?

They are one of the caucuses, so essentially, yeah.

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It's its own movement.

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An Acela Republican is a Republican who resides in the northeastern United States, with pragmatic views, who tends to be contemptuous of the Tea Party and of Christian Conservatives.

Is eric canter a tea party republican?

*Cantor, yes. He is the leader of the 'Young Guns'.