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The temperatures are alot hotter because of the carbon dioxide trapping in heat.

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Q: How are the temperatures on Venus different?
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How hot is Venus' at day?

It is about 480 degrees Celsius on Venus. Day and night temperatures are not much different.

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What the different between average temperatures of mercury and venus?

Approx 295 Celsius degrees.

Does Venus have cold temperatures?


Does does Venus have cold temperatures?


Why are the temperatures on venus and Murcury so different?

The main difference is that Venus has a dense atmosphere, while Mercury has none. The usually accepted theory is that something in Venus' atmosphere caused a runaway greenhouse effect.

Is Planet Venus cold?

No. Venus is very hot, with temperatures around 850 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the low temperature for Venus'?

Temperatures on Venus don't get much below about 460 degrees Celsius.

Is there anything as hot as Venus?

Yes. A typical fire will produce temperatures comparable to the surface of Venus.

Which planet has the highest surface temperatures?

Venus has the highest surface temperature of all the planets.

Venus average temperatures?

Approx 735 K.

How would a human fare on Venus?

A human on Venus would die very quickly . Temperatures on Venus exceed 800 degrees Fahrenheit.