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Today's atomic powered subs can stay under water forever. They only surface to re-supply for the men (food and hygiene materials). Living on a modern atomic sub is like living in a small room. Prior to nuclear subs, the diesel powered vessels were nick-named PIG BOATS because it was like living under the hood of your car, sleeping/eating/living with the car's engine.

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Q: How are today's submarines different from early submarines?
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What is todays submarines powered by?

Nuclear Energy

How are modern submarines different from the early submarines?

Bigger, Deadlier, Faster, more Comfortable.1. Bigger, Faster, Deadlier, more Comfortable.

How are modern submarins different from early submarines?

Bigger, Deadlier, Faster, more Comfortable.

How are modern day submarines different from early ones?

They conatined brasAns 2 - The biggest single difference in modern day submarines is the nuclear propulsion system. This allows much greater length of cruises and far more versatility in general.

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