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Q: How are vertebrae attached to each other?
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What feature distinguishes thoracic vertebrae from other vertebrae?

Thoracic vertebrae are attached to a pair of ribs

What bones are attached to the thoracic vertebrae?

All ribs are attached in the back to the thoracic vertebrae.

What are The parts of the thoracic vertebrae that articulate with the ribs are?

The ribs articulate with the thoracic vertebrae. The thoracic vertebrae also articulate with each other.

Why does each vertebrae need to be separated from each other?

Without such separation you will not have mobility of the spine. Some times the adjoining vertebrae fuse and create the problem.

What structure is the missing body of the second body of the cervical vertebrae?

The cervical vertebrae do not have ribs attached.

What Vertebrae are not attached to ribs called?

The cervical and lumbar vertebrae do not articulate with the ribs. The thoracic vertebrae are the only ones that articulate with the ribs.

What is ligamentum flavum?

The ligamentum flavum is a tendon that holds your vertebrae to each other.

Why do you need cartilage?

So the vertebrae in your spine will not grind agaist each other.

What is attached to the backbone?

The backbone is actually a collection of spinal vertebrae, each connected to each other with a fibrous disk. On the top end, the spinal vertebrae are connected to the cervical (neck) vertebrae and then to the base of the skull. On the lower end the spinal vertebrae connect to the coccyx or tailbone which is essentially 5 fused spinal vertebrae and the central part of the pelvis (hip bone). The lower portion of the spine called the lumbar region does not connect to any additional bones. In the upper portion of the spine called the thoracic region each vertebrae also connects to two ribs. Other than connecting to additional bones, there are numerous muscles, tendons, and blood vessels that also connect to the spine. Other than the structural and limited movement role of the spine, it also serves as a vital protective role for the spinal cord which leads to all the peripheral nerves of the body.

What animal is attached to each other if you separate them they well die?

what animal is attached to each other if u seperate them they well die

What would happen if there were no disks in your vertebrae?

If your spine had no discs, the vertebrae would scrape very painfully against each other. This would be instantly crippling.

The ribs are attached posteriorly to the what?

All ribs articulate posteriorly with their corresponding vertebrae.