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Colds are spread when germs enter the body through a moist body surface, typically the eyes, nose, and mouth. Some transfer of fluid between an infected person and a healthy person (e.g. a sneeze, a kiss, a shared beverage) can spread a cold. Also, a person with a cold can contaminate a surface such as a doorknob with his hands. If a healthy person touches that contaminated doorknob and then rubs his eyes or nose or eats with his hands, he can get the cold. For this reason, regular and thorough hand washing is recommended especially during cold and flu seasons.
Colds can be spread by one that is sick breathing on another who is not sick. If the other person breathes in the sickness there is a chance that the healthy person will get sick.
Sneezing, coughing, touching your face and mouth and then shaking hands with people.

poor hygiene and spread of infection between humans
colds can spread by when u touch or eat something and someone else comes and touch or eat it tyhen that person has the cold in about a week or less
sneezing, touching or using the same silverware.
they're airborne and also can be caught by touching a foreign object with the germ then touching your face.
You can spread the flu by coming to school sick, if you do not wash your hand after using the toilet you have spread over 2,000 germs on your hands. always wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands after touching money. If you follow these steps you should stay healthy!

Nasal secretions containing cold viruses contaminate the hands of people with colds as a result of nose blowing, covering sneezes, and touching the nose. Also, cold viruses may contaminate objects and surfaces in the environment of a cold sufferer.
people not washing their hands, not catching their snot in their hands when they sneeze.

other people touch things that people with colds have touched so that is how they spread.
You contract the cold by getting the virus inside your body, simple as that. Mouth, ears, nose, eyes, and cuts are the way that colds are usually contracted. Colds can also be contracted through sexual organs.

The reason getting the cold on your hands is bad is because touching any of those vulnerable entrances will spread the virus there immediately.

Once a person is infection, the virus likes to wait in their throat in and nasal passages when it comes to spreading. While in their throat, the cold will be spread whenever they cough or exhale. While in their nose, it irritates the walls of the nose and cause more mucus to be produced, giving it a nice little environment to live in and exit the body.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Remember that the cold and the flu are two different viruses--actually the "cold" is a family of viruses that are similar, and the flu is a family of viruses also. You cannot get a cold from someone who has the flu. They are two different viruses. BUT I'd imagine it is possible to exhibit similar symptoms to a cold if you catch the flu from someone. This is because people can have partial immunity to a particular virus, like the flu. Although a friend may get hit hard by the flu, you might be partially resistant to the strain they have from past infections, and show less symptoms, and thus think it was just a cold.

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14y ago

yes you can catch a cold from another person.

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14y ago

if the person has a virus, then yes. otherwise, no

yes, germs can then be transferred to anything touched by the sufferer: doorknobs, telephones, shopping carts, etc.

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14y ago

specificly yes. as soon as the virus enteres your body you have a "cold". non officially the symptems might take a few days after to show.

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15y ago

yes you can catch one from another person

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A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.

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A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.

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you can only get a cold from viruses. you can get sick by sitting next someone who is ill or drink someone Else's drink

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You If You Still have the cold, No. If you barely recovered then yes.

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