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i have urinary bladder appears partially distended. how i avoid it.

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Q: How avoid urinary bladder partially distended?
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How does diet affect overactive bladder?

Adjusting dietary habits and avoiding acidic and spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, and other bladder irritants can help to prevent urinary leaking. Eat recommended amounts of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to avoid constipation.

Urinary bladder rupture?

It is possible for a bladder to rupture, although rare. If the bladder can't empty, it becomes painful enough that people usually seek medical help. A catheter is put into the bladder to drain the urine and relieve the pressure. The kidneys will also slow or stop urine production when the pressure backs up as a compensatory mechanism to avoid rupture of the bladder. A very full bladder can also be ruptured by trauma, such as a car accident, especially if pelvic bones are broken.

What foods to avoid when there is blood in the urine due to a problem with the bladder?

Foods to avoid when there is blood in the urine due to a problem with the bladder include chocolates and citrus fruits. Also avoid spicy foods, sugar, honey, and artificial sweeteners.

Do you get pregnant if he puts it in your urinary track?

If the male ejaculates into the female's urethra, the only way she could become pregnant is if some of the semen flows out and into the vagina. BUT, him putting a penis into your urethra can cause you to have problems with your bladder for the rest of your life. The urethra was not meant to be used in that way. It can become way too loose to hold the urine in your bladder, and you could have a problem with wetting your pants for the rest of your life. If you want to avoid pregnancy, do it the smart way: avoid sex, or use a condom.

Cystorrhaphy suture of bladder wound injury or rupture complicated?

cystorrhaphy is the surgical repair of urinary bladder.In bovines,it is undertaken preferably in the standing position.Incision is given in left paralumbar fossa. After giving local anaesthesia,abdomen is entered through a 15 to 20 cm long incision below the external angle of ilium. urinary bladder is identified and adhesions, if present are gently broken,without damaging the ventral and lateral peritoneal folds. the repair of bladder is done by applying continuous lock stitch sutures using absorable suture material.a second row of continuous suture is applied to avoid leakage.the abdomen is closed in aroutine manner. RAGHAV BEDI

What foods can help prevent cystitis?

Cranberry juice is supposed to help avoid bladder infections.

What is double voiding?

Double voiding refers to emptying the bladder twice, by urinating a second time 10-15 minutes after the first. It is a simple recommneded procedure to avoid bladder infections.

How do you avoid UTI?

To avoid UTIs, try to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, maintain good hygiene practices, urinate after sexual intercourse, and avoid holding in urine for long periods of time. Cranberry juice or supplements may also help prevent UTIs, as they can prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall.

Can a man's semen cause a urinary tract infection?

No semen Can Not give you a bladder infection.I don't know where you heard that but it's 100% false.If you think about it,if semen caused bladder infections everyday 3/4 women would be complaining about one. Bladder infections is a blockage in the bladder or urethra, which hinders urine flow and prevents the bladder from emptying completely. Residual urine remaining in the bladder increases the chances that bacteria will multiply and establish an infection in the bladder. The main culprits of blockages are kidney and bladder stones, but an enlarged prostate can also cause a blockage, and bacteria from an unhealthy prostate can pass into the bladder. While many of the causes of bladder infection are out of our control, taking some preventive measures can reduce the chance of infection. * Stay hydrated: drink six to eight glasses of water a day. * Avoid tight, constricting clothes and synthetic underwear. * Reduce or eliminate caffeine beverages. * Women should urinate before and after intercourse, to help clean out bacteria. * Women should wipe from front to back after urinating to move potential bacteria away from the urethra.

Why does your uterus hurt when you pee?

If you have pain way down low in your belly when you pee, you may have a bladder infection. Increase fluids, avoid coffee and alcohol (they can make it hurt worse, empty your bladder regularly, and contact your health care provider about yoru symptoms.

How do you avoid a bladder infection?

Always pee after having sex or masterbating. And always wipe with clean toilet paper from front to back.

How can people treat their bladder control issues without any help from others?

For those who are overweight, losing weight may very well help in controlling the bladder. You should also urinate regularly and avoid drinks that will irritate the bladder (coffee, alcohol, etc.). Kegel exercises may help women.