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The pain depends on your personal threshold. I am weak when it comes to pain so I asked for the freeze spray the surrounding area so that I was unable to feel it. After it was done I hardly felt anything.

I now have seven microdermal anchors.

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Q: How bad does a dermal anchor piercing hurt?
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How bad does a tongue piercing hurt in comparison to a dermal anchor?

I've never had a dermal anchor piercing but I can imagine they hurt quite a bit depending where on the body you get it. But I had my tongue pierced just over a year ago and I didn't feel a thing. Because the tongue is a muscle, the needle just slips through the layers rather than piercing through it. It can be uncomfortable afterwards, but it just feels like a muscle ache but in your tongue, and it does swell up, but mine was completely fine after 5 days of having it done. x

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If you get it , use dermal anchors. Basically they cut a slit and insert the foot of the dermal into that slit. It hurts for some, and not for others. Every piercing is going to hurt but there isn't a way to determine just how badly it will.

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Pain is subjective. It varies from person to person, but personally, it hurt a decent amount. Not as bad as my tragus, but still. Pretty bad.

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not too bad! it is a weird feeling but it is over fast.

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just a little bit, kinda between a shot of novicain and an ear piercing. An experienced piercer will make sure the piercing is quick and as painless as possible.

Does getting your Monroe pierced hurt?

Not really. On a scale from one to ten, it's around a two or three. The piercing itself doesn't hurt bad at all but for the first five minutes after the piercing, its a little sore.

What can happen from an infected tongue piercing?

It could hurt you really bad and kill you in worst case scenario.

Does a lip piercing hurt?

It all depends on your pain tolerance. I don't think it hurt too bad because I pierced mine 4 times myself.

Does the jacob's ladder piercing hurt?

it hurts somehat, the initial piercing may have a slight sting, but afterwords it feels numb for a few hours and then it may sting bad for a week

How much does it hurt to get a second ear piercing on the lobe?

Same as getting the first lobe piercing done. It varies from person to person but generally, lobes aren't too bad :)

Does it hurt to get your cartilage pierced with a needle?

No it doesn't hurt, it's more a warm sensation depending on what type of cartilage piercing you are going for. Be sure to find an experienced professional body piercer for all your piercing needs and you won't have a bad experience.

How bad does a lip pireceing hurt compored to a nose piereceing?

*PIERCING* There isn't a way to determine that. It's different for everyone