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Q: How bad was the blizzard that happened after hurricane sandy?
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Is Hurricane Sandy going to hit today and is it going to be bad?

It may be bad in some places but not in other places. In New York, if it is the right time and place it may cause a blizzard.

Was Hurricane Sandy as bad as was expected?


How bad will hurricane sandy be?

it Will be so bad according to the news

Was Hurricane Sandy bad?

Yes, Hurricane Sandy was very bad.See the related link listed below for more information:

Is Hurricane Sandy today November 1 2012 going to be bad?

No. The worst of Hurricane Sandy is over as of November 1. Little more than rain showers are expected from the remnants.

Worst blizzard that happened in australia?

worst blizzard in Austrailia

What bad happened in New Orleans on September 2005?

The bad thing that happened in New Orleans on August 29, 2005 was the devastation of hurricane Katrina. It was considered a Category 3 hurricane.

How bad is Hurricane Sandy going to be for Ohio?

Hard to tell, in advance. Lots of high winds, and snow, probably.

Why were people not prepared for Hurricane Sandy?

There were a few reasons. First, Hurricane Sandy made a direct impact on a region not accustomed to storms of that magnitude. Second, Sandy was a very unusual storm in a number of ways, including its unprecedented westward turn. Third, that same region had been impacted by Hurricane Irene the previous year. Irene was a damaging storm, but was not quite as bad in the northeast region as had been expected. As a result, many dismissed the dire warnings about Hurricane Sandy as exaggeration.

How bad was hurricane sandy?

So bad, thousands of people died. There are scars left over. Houses are still abandoned today, And communities that were there before the storm were not there after. Flooding, no food or water, no shelter... Ya it was pretty bad.

Why didn't people leave hurricane Sandy's path?

Many people did not think Sandy would be as bad as experts said it would, especially those who had made it through Hurricane Irene the previous year without suffering serious affects. Many people are convinced that is is better to ride out the storm than go through the trouble of evacuating.

Was hurricane IKE a bad hurricane?
