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Titanic's collision with the iceberg was obviously bad enough to sink her. The rivets were popped between the metal plates and enough water breached through to make her unstable and eventually to sink her.

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Q: How bad was the titanic ship hitting the iceberg?
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When did everyone find out the titanic hit an iceberg?

Many people were aware that Titanic hit the iceberg but obviously, not everybody right away. As for finding out the bad news, it wasn't even until 12:25, 45 minutes later, that Thomas Andrews confirmed to Smith that the ship was doomed.

Was it bad to build the Titanic?

it was not bad to build the titanic.although the titanic hit an iceberg it had nothing to do with the building of the was mainly the pilots fault.

What is the actual reason for why the Titanic sank?

The reaosn the Titanic sank is beacuse of the ship hitting the iceburge. There are many reasons why Thomas Andrew the builder of the ship is at fualt here. the first is beacuse he rudeced the height of the titanic and also there were about 3 million rivits but they used bad rivits so if thomas would hade sugeested they used better ones then we would not be in this.

Tip of an iceberg is it a metaphor or a cliche?

Although things can be metaphors and cliches, this one is probably best described as cliche-if you were say that "something is like the tip of the iceberg" that would be a simile, if you were say "something is the tip of the iceberg" that would be a metaphor. But as it's a well used phrase whatever it can be generally thought of as a cliche.

Did the titanic given a deadline to get to America?

The Titanic was expected to arrive within a set period of time. As with all transatlantic crossings there was some leeway in case the ship encountered bad weather or other problems. However the Titanic was running well ahead of schedule when it hit the iceberg. In fact Captain Smith is believed to have been trying for an Atlantic crossing speed record for the Titanic its first crossing; which would explain why he was pushing the ship's engines so hard and his refusal to stop when first warned of ice.

What was James carmon point of view of the movie Titanic?

James Cameron was the director of the award winning 1997 film, Titanic. His point of view in the film was that the sinking of the ship was due to both bad luck and negligence on the part of the ship's captain.

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Iceberg Lettuce.

What ship did titanic almost hit?

In Southampton, Titanic had a near-collision with the New York who was almost sucked into Titanic's wake. Many people took this as a bad omen. Others felt that it could have been a good omen, that it could be the only negative incident on the trip.

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They should build a new Titanic called Titanic 2?

No. It wouldn't be true to the original (it can't be).

What was the reason behind the sinking of Titanic?

A combination of bad luck and substandard building materials. Titanic was too big to respond fast enough to commands to change course by the time the iceberg was spotted, and hence the ship sideswiped the berg. Add to that, the rivets that were lower quality steel than they should have been, and possibly even steel plate that fell into the same category. Six compartments were ripped open. The ship was designed to stay afloat if as many as four were ripped open - not six. And so on, and so on . . .

Was the titanic found?

Yes, Frederick Fleet the lookout saw the iceberg before the collision but with less than forty seconds, it was too late. The berg was not visible to anybody in the deckhouse, including the sailor who had his hand on the wheel at the time.