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Iceberg Lettuce.

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Q: Is lettuce bad for guinea pigs?
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Are lettuce cores bad for guinea pigs?

Yes, as long as its romaine lettuce.

Can guinea pigs it ledduce?

Yeah. guinea pigs can eat lettuce (:

Should guinea pigs eat Bib lettuce?

guinea pigs should only eat romaine lettuce.

Can guinea pigs eat miner's lettuce?

Guinea pigs should only eat romaine lettuce.

Do guinea pigs eat maggots?

No, guinea pigs tend to stick to fruits and vegetables.

What is a guinea pigs favorite vegetable?

Well Actually Its Romain Lettuce And Celery.

Why do guinea pigs like lettuce so much?

u cannot give lettuce to a guinea pig because it makes them really sick and lettuce is way too thick to a guinea pig so if your out there and you have a pet guinea pig DONT FEED IT LETTUCE plz dont

Can you feed letuce to guinea pigs?

yes of course you can! you can feed them mostly any kind of fruit and vegitable

What do giunea pigs prefer carrots or lettuce?

My guinea pig prefers lettuce to carrots.

What food to grow for guinea pigs?

there are many foods guinea pigs will eat but i reccamend things like carrots, cucumbers, parsley, apples,lettuce and so on

Will guinea pigs die if they eat iceberg lettuce?

Actually, iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value, but it can make your guinea pig gassy and constipated. I recommend not feeding them iceberg lettuce, but rather replace it with romaine lettuce.

Is iceberg lettuce poisonous for guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs can absolutely eat iceberg lettuce. If you happen to have extra iceberg on hand, go ahead and feed it to your guinea pig. If, however, you are looking for a tasty treat to buy for your guinea pig, romaine lettuce is packed full of vitamins (it has more vitamin C in it- which is a necessary dietary requirement for all guinea pigs).