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Actually, iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value, but it can make your guinea pig gassy and constipated. I recommend not feeding them iceberg lettuce, but rather replace it with romaine lettuce.

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13y ago

No, they won't die. Actually, guinea pigs can eat a lot of different types of veggies and iceberg lettuce is one of them.

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Q: Will guinea pigs die if they eat iceberg lettuce?
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What will happen if you fed your guinea pig iceberg lettuce?

Iceberg Lettuce is not Guinea Pig food and is not a healthy part of their diet. Guinea pigs may eat little pieces of iceberg lettuce as a treat, but will get no nutrition from it other than a little water. Guinea pigs that are given large amounts of iceberg lettuce will fill up on this food which has no nutrition, and it then prevents them from eating as much of their good foods. Eating a diet with lots of iceberg lettuce can cause them to be malnourished, get sick and die if only given iceberg lettuce (sad but true, this lettuce is inexpensive so people may be tempted to give it daily like food- causing their guinea pigs to die of starvation). Guinea pigs need lots of timothy hay and vitamin C rich pellets as the staple of their diet. Things like carrots, oranges, blueberries, green leafy vegetables are great snacks that give them lots of vitamins. Iceberg gives no vitamins, no calories, but makes them feel full- so iceberg lettuce should only be given as a treat in small amounts and try to give them green lettuces instead- the darker the lettuce (spinach) the more nutritional value. Guinea pigs are not allergic to iceberg and will not have an adverse reaction to iceberg- it is safe to give in very small amounts.

What are pigs allergic to and what will happen if you give them it?

Guinea Pigs are only allergic to one thing- lettuce if you feed them a couple pieces it wont hurt but too much they can die. NEVER EVER feed them ICEBURG LETTUCE not even one piece.

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Guinea Pigs do not hibernate, but, Guinea Pigs cannot be kept in the cold or they die.

Will guinea pigs die of vitamin deficiency?

Yes Guinea Pigs will die of Vitamin defiecy. Guinea Pigs are prone to Vitamin C defiecy-memyselfandi12312

Can guinea pigs die from fertilizer?

Yes guinea pigs can die from fertilizer because fertilizer has a ton of chemicals.

When do genuie pigs die?

Guinea pigs die exactly at the end of their life.

Do guinea pigs eat lettuce?

yes of course butdont give them too much of ice burg lettuce it makes them gassy and they could die xx

Can guinea pigs die?

Sadly, yes.

Can guinea pigs die from fungus?

yes they can

Can you feed guinea pigs seeds from the pumpkin?

no it will die

Can guinea pigs die of fleas?

no but it is very unpleasant for them

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