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I'd say it hurts about 6-8. It does hurt but it's real fast and they put stuff on it to make it better.

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Q: How badly does it hurt to get your ears pierced on a scale from one to ten I have a horrible fear of needles and give myself an anxiety attack every time I get a shot How much will it hurt me?
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What does an anxiety attack feel like?

Horrible, especially your first time. I thought I was gonna die. You shake uncontrollably and you can't eat or drink easily.

Can deep breathing calm down a anxiety panic attack?

Since a symptom of an anxiety attack is hyperventilation, as long as the breaths are slow, deep, controlled breathing it can help reduce an anxiety attack.

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Panic Attack. Anxiety Attack.

Can your driving be impaired by anxiety?

It could be, if your mind was not fully on your driving or if you got an anxiety attack.

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Many people who think they're having a heart attack are actually having an anxiety attack or heartburn.

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What are signs of an anxiety attack?

The signs of an anxiety attack can differ from person to person. Some of the usual signs can include, rapid pulse rate, fainting, hyperventilation, nausea and tremors.

What causes anxiety attacks with loss of sleep and loss of appetite?

Many things can cause an anxiety attack. Something you fear happening that you may have no control over will be something that causes an anxiety attack along with lack of sleep and the inability to eat.

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increases disorganization and ineffectiveness

What are some signs of an anxiety attack?

The signs of an anxiety attack can differ from person to person. Some of the usual signs can include, rapid pulse rate, fainting, hyperventilation, nausea and tremors.