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Q: How baptism s the new birth into the life Christ?
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What represents dying to sin and rising to new life in christ?


What is the mystery of your dying to sin and rising with Christ to the new life of grace?

You die to sin and rise to new life of grace with Christ in all the sacraments beginning with Baptism.

Who can receive baptism?

Anyone, who understands the concept, can be baptized.

What does the water symblosie in baptism?

If you refer to Believer's Baptism, as practiced in Baptist churches, it is symbolic cleansing and rebirth into new life in Christ Jesus.

Why do you we celebrate baptism?

CELEBRATION OF BAPTISMBaptism basically means entering a new world with Christ. What do we mean by this? When we are baptised, we are throwing the old life of sin and entering a new life in Christ. (One may be baptised at any age). This is why we celebrate Baptism; to celebrate the candidate/s life that has just been entered into a world with Christ.

What is the reflection of baptism?

Baptism is the outwardly display to the world that we are a new creation through the acceptance of Jesus Christ. It is through baptism that we show that we are born again. Our first birth is through our mother and the second is by water and the Holy Spirit. Through Baptism we receive the gift of faith.

What happens to your sin when you are baptized?

What baptism are you talking about? Infant baptism? Baptism of believers? Well the answer is much the same. Nothing happens to your sin when you are baptized. If you are a believer your sin is already dealt with before you get baptized. A believers baptism is a sign of the believers identifying with Christ in that Christ was buried and rose again the believer is buried (in water) and rises again to a new life. Infant baptism??? well there is nothing in the Bible that teaches infant baptism.

Do you receive the grace that you need to live a new life in jesus Christ through faith and Baptism?

Yes by repenting my sins and accepting him as my saviour.

What does baptism symbole?

Infant baptism symbolizes exactly the same as what adult baptism symbolizes: new life, forgiveness of sins and the acceptance of Christ as your Lord and savior. Parents are instructed to help their children to love, honor and obey God. Infant baptism shows that the parents are prepared to bring their child up in God's way and to guide him/her as a child of Christ until he/she is able to make his/her own decision to follow Christ.

Can you receive in baptism the holy ghost with unforgiveness?

No! you are always received forgiveness with Holy Ghost in Baptism because the person is being cleansed by water. 2 Cor 5:17 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a New Creation, the old has gone, the new has come! Like in the story of Noah, the earth was washed anew & they began a new life with God. We are buried like Christ "immersed in water" and raised like Christ to a brand new life. When we are baptised we are showing God & others that we want our old self to die so we can began a new life dedicated to being like Christ.

How is life and death represented in baptism?

In an immersion baptism (where in the individual is buried in the water and then pulled up again) death is represented by the person being laid in or buried by the water. This can represent the death of the old person, the natural man, sin, or even the death of Christ - depending upon your personal religious beliefs. Life is represented by coming up out of the water. This can represent a new life in Christ, the resurrection of Christ, and rebirth.

What is the defining image of baptism?

The defining image of baptism is described in detail in Romans chapter 6. Here Paul describes baptism as entering into Christ and into his death. It is how one is crucified with Christ, buried with Christ, and raised with Christ (Colossians 2:11-14). Baptism is how one is freed from sin thereby becoming a servant of righteousness. It is a pledge to keep a clear conscience before God, and God therefore saves us in baptism (I Peter 3:21). It is how one receives forgiveness of past sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Baptism is how one is adopted as a child of God by entering into Christ and putting Christ on (Galatians 3:26, 27). Because baptism is a burial and resurrection with Christ, the action of total immersion as practiced in the early church is in keeping with this defining image, and the dramatic experience of burying the old self and arising to new life is accomplished in baptism as the defining event in one's life.