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You are asking for a huge generalization. In Germany, especially in big cities, it is more common than in Britain to live in a flat. As a generalization, I would say that German houses tend to be bigger than their British counterparts.

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Q: How big are German houses?
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How big are houses?

You are asking for a huge generalization. In Germany, especially in big cities, it is more common than in Britain to live in a flat. As a generalization, I would say that German houses tend to be bigger than their British counterparts.

How do you say houses in German?

house = haus houses = häuser

How do you say big in German?

big is groß in German.

How many big houses are in New York?

new yorh has alot of big houses

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i lived in California and not all the houses are big but most of then are

What are German houses made of?

wood or concreate

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Big Ben is attached to the Houses of Parliament.

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Houses can be big or small

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As big as can be

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The lower house is called the Bundestag. And the upper house is called the Bundesrat.

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