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Q: How big are the eggs of a starfish.?
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Related questions

How long does a baby starfish stay with its mom?

Baby starfish of some varieties stay underneath their mom until they are big enough to go off on their own. Most starfish lay hundreds of eggs in the water and do not say with the eggs.

How is starfish born?

Starfish hatch from eggs.

How does a starfish have babies?

A Starfish Has Babies That Comes Out Of Eggs

How many eggs does starfish have?

a starfish can have about 2 million eggs but normally 1 million..

What is the difference between hen egg and starfish egg?

The difference is simply the animal inside. Hen eggs produce chickens if they are fertilized, and starfish eggs produce starfish. Also, starfish eggs do not have a hard shell - they are somewhat gelatinous.

How do starfish lay eggs?

By pooping!!

Does a starfish lay eggs give birth to another starfish and how many babies do they have at a time?

Starfish do not lay eggs like other animals; therefore, zero times. Uniquely, starfish are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduction in starfish generally involves the dismemberment of an appendage that grows into a exact copy of the parent. This form of reproduction is not ideal, and only occurs when an appendage is lost (not on purpose). Sexual reproduction occurs through a process called spawning. Rather than lay eggs on solid ground, starfish of both sexes release millions of free-floating sperm and eggs into the water through gonads, sexual organs on a starfish's arms. Starfish may undergo spawning multiple times in one breeding season, dependent on the species.

Does starfish lay eggs instead of giving live birth?

it lays eggs

How are starfish sperm and eggs an adaptive advantage?

Starfish produce a large number of sperms and eggs as they breed with a process called free-spawning. To make the process of the gametes of opposite sexes meet, the starfish will release a chemical that attracts other starfish.

How big is the starfish?

check your answer

Are starfish big?


Do starfish eat clown fish eggs?

Starfish are omnivores and scavengers so it is highly probable. I have a chocolate star who I found eating my clownfish eggs. He now lives in the refugium.