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1.Jupiter 318 Earth Masses

2.Saturn 95 Earth Masses

3.Neptune 17.1 Earth Masses

4.Uranus 14.5 Earth Masses

5.Earth 1 Earth Mass

6.Venus 0.82 Earth Mass

7.Mars 0.11 Earth Mass

8.Mercury 0.055 Earth Mass

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Q: How big are the planets from smallest to greatest in mass?
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Are the planets big?

of course they are and to put it this way earth is on of the smallest

How big is mars conpared to other planets?

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Answer:because the sun is like a big ball of mass which means that the planets pull the mass from the sun which keeps the planets in their rotation but if there was not mass then all the planets would go on a straight line.

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is mars the largest planet,2nd largest,3rd largest,or the smallest

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gravity depends on mass (matter) and distance from the sun because every planets gravity is how big it is and how far it is

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How big can planets get?

It is estimated that planets can theoretically get up to about 80 times the mass of Jupiter, anything larger than that would form as a Brown Dwarf Star.

What do Uranus weight?

Uranus is one of the 9 planets in the Solar System and is relatively big. It's mass is 86.81E24 kg, or 14.54 Earth mass.