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6 feet

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Q: How big can poinsettia flowers grow in a month?
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Related questions

How big is a 7.5 inch poinsettia?

For a poinsettia it's not very big. It's around 16cm, or alternatively the span of a small sized hand (tip of thumb to end of little finger).

Can a flower be big?

Flowers can grow to bigs sizes, I don't know precisely how big but the Titan Arum and the rafflesia arnoldi are the biggest in record.

How big will your 6 month filly grow?

That definitely depends on its breed/ parent's height

How big are ostrich chicks?

Ostrich chicks are nearly the size of a chicken when they are born. Each month they grow about 1 foot.

If you put plant food in a Lima bean plant how big would it grow in a month?

it grows to 30 feet tall

Does water spangle have big flowers or small flowers?

Small flower

How do big flowers get pollinated?

Big flowers are pollinated in the same way as small ones - generally by insects like bees.

What soda makes a flower live longer?

what coke can do to flowers is that it can rotten the roots of the flowers and they may not grow as big as some other flowers in the world (p.s this answer was made by Natasha Delgado)

Are little flowers big or little?

Little flowers are little but they can have big color. There are several sizes, shapes, colors, and species of flowers making each one unique in their own way.

Are flowers one of Florida's natural resources?

Well some type of flower grows in every state, so the answer is yes more or less. Florida grows more oranges than flowers, but they still grow some, however it is not as big of an industry as oranges.

How big do unicellular organisms grow?

As big as amoeba and plasmodium can grow.

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There is no way you can "grow big" in Club Penguin