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18-22 maybe taller

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Q: How big do bluenose pitbulls get?
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Related questions

What is a pitbulls temperment?

Pitbulls have the most stable temperament as shown in test against other breeds. Basically bluenose is the same trait as it comes to this. So its temperament is the temperament the owner has.

What is a Bluenose Pitbull?

Pitbulls have the most stable temperament as shown in test against other breeds. Basically bluenose is the same trait as it comes to this. So its temperament is the temperament the owner has.

How to tell the difference between a Blue Nosed Pitbull and a Red Nosed Pitbull?

The difference between a blue nosed pitbull and a red nosed pitbull has nothing to do with their nose it is the colour of their fur and akin. 'Bluenose' pitbulls are grey where as 'Rednose' pitbulls are brown.

Why was bluenose built?

It was a replica of Bluenose.

Why was Bluenose II built?

It was a replica of Bluenose.

Why are pitbulls such a good family dog?

They're big dogs with big hearts!

Do pitbulls usually have big stomachs?

Pitbulls has a stomach acording to his size. The pitbulls will overeat if food is not stored until they are bloated. We carefull about that.

Why is the bluenose called bluenose?

A racing ship called the Bluenose was made in Nova Scotia and it holds the record for the fastest sailing boat ever created.

Why are bluenose pits bulls more expensive then rednose pit bulls?

because a red nose pitbull is a flaw in the show ring and alot of judges like to see blue and solid black pitbulls because they are more rare

How big do tiger strip pitbull get?

Pitbulls are mid zise dogs.

Where was the bluenose launched?

The Bluenose was launched in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia on March 26, 1921

Does a bluenose pitbull only have a blue nose?

Does a bluenose pitbull only have blue noses?