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It depends on the size of your CKCS. He/She needs space to lie down, sit, stand and turn around comfortably. Take your CKCS to your pet store and see which one is large enough for him/her. I have a pretty big CKCS, so he needs a Medium size cage. You want your CKCS to feel that their cage is their relaxation place, not a place they go when he/she is being punished, so just make sure it is wide enough to accommodate for the movement of your CKCS. Also you need to make sure that there is enough space for your dog AND some newspaper or blankets.

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Q: How big does a cavalier King Charles Spaniel get?
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Which is bigger a Maine coon cat or a cavalier king Charles spaniel?

Its a Maine coon cause I saw a Maine coon which was as big as a German shepherd.

We live in a 4 seasons climate. I would like to know if a King Charles Spaniel can be an outside pet. Can a Cavalier Spaniel live outdoors?

NO. Only big dogs like huskies, their fur is meant to be for outdoors. Spaniels don't have that and they would freeze.

What do cavalier King Charles spaniels like?

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel comes in 4 different colors, Black and Tan, Ruby,Blenheim (which is a white base with ruby colored spots), and a Tri Color (which is a white base with black spots and accents or ruby). The Cavaliers looks quite similar to a Cocker Spaniel. They have long ears and longs curly ears. This bred has big brown eyes and very few have blue but I have seen one with blue eyes.

What is a cavaliers?

The Cavaliers were soilders for King Charles the 1st who foight in the English civil war in mid 1600. A cavalier would have long curly hair like King Charles and they would have big hat with a large feather in it. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were named after the Cavaliers because of their long cury hair and King Charles because they were around when King Charles was the King of England

How big is a cavalier king Charles head at 8 weeks old?

It's probably pretty small.

How big does a cavalier King Charles get?

Full grown, they're usually 12-13 inches at the shoulders, and they weight 12-18 pounds.

What is a cavalier King Charles spaniel cross poodle?

i have a beagle myself and they really are good pets. theyre good with children because they dont turn on you. but you have to be really willing because they are constantly after food because they are a type of hound

How big do cavachons get?

Well, I have a cavachon and he is 25lb it all depends on the mom & dad

What is the difference between a King Charles spaniel and a cavalier King Charles spaniel?

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as we know it today was not given official Kennel Club recognition until 1945. The King Charles Spaniel whose history has been documented since the 15th Century has its origins in the courts of Europe. In 2000 only 185 King Charles Spaniel puppies were registered with the U.K. Kennel Club while the registrations for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies exceeded 11,400.

Do King Charles spaniels smell up the house?

yes they are!! i have a boy cavalier and he is the most loyal dog ever. he follows me everywhere and always cuddles me and makes sure I'm happy. they're not big barkers and are very loving especially to their owner. they are in love with their owners.

What is the average size and weight for a 4 month old Cavalier King Charles?

mine is 9 pounds and 9 inches tall. I don't know if its average. she gets lots of exercise and personally I think shes a little big for her age.

Should you brush a King Charles with a slicker brush?

Yes you can brush a King Charles Spaniel with a slicker brush. Specifically, the slicker brush is for the furnishings or the long feathers on the ears, legs and stomach. You should also use a metal comb after you brush to make sure you have gotten all the knots out. Little knots turn into big knots. Be sure not to brush area with little hair too much. That can cause redness.