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Nuclear explosive devices have been built as small as cylinders 6 inches in diameter and 20 inches long or as small as spheres 11 inches in diameter to as large as cylinders 20 feet in diameter and 80 feet tall.

If you meant explosive yield then devices have been built with yields as low as 10 tons to over 50 megatons.

The physical size and yield are not necessarily proportional.

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8y ago

Nuclear explosions are typically measured in tons of TNT equivalent.

Their size varies from a few hundred tons (artillery shell) to tens of mega tons - big big bombs.

There is no such thing as a nominal atomic bomb, despite what much literature of the 1950s might have said. The yield (size of explosion) is whatever the designers made it. Bombs have been built, tested, and stockpiled with yields from 10 tons (Davy Crocket & SADM - US) to more than 50 megatons (Tsar Bomba - USSR). The Tsar Bomba was designed to be capable of a 100 megaton yield, but wasn't tested in that configuration in order to limit fallout effects. The US even did a study on building a 1 gigaton bomb, but decided against it when calculations showed that most of its blast effect would only be expended on blowing the top of the atmosphere off into space above the burst location! But there was no practical problem preventing building such a bomb or even far larger ones.

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12y ago

Depends on how much TNT you use...but if you mean "how powerful is TNT compared to other high explosives"...brace yourself. TNT is not all that powerful of an explosive. Explosives are rated on the Relative Effectiveness scale, which judges the power of an explosive relative to that of TNT. Most explosives are more powerful than TNT.

TNT's advantage is its stability and insensitivity to shock. Also, it melts at a far lower temperature than it burns at, so they can safely pour it into artillery shells and things like that.

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11y ago

They can grow up to earths size multiplied 8 times, the biggest one saw was 17 times the size of earth!

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Q: How big are nuclear explosions on the sun?
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