

How big is a proton compared to a electron?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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A proton is bigger than electron

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Q: How big is a proton compared to a electron?
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How big is a electron compared to a proton?

A proton is bigger than electron

How big is a proton compared to an electron?

They have the same charge but its opposite: electron is 1.602x10^-19C with negative charge proton is 1.602x10^-19C with positive charge proton is over 1800 time bigger than electron

How do a proton and an electron compared?

They have opposite charges.

How does the mass of an electron compared to the mass of proton?

The proton mass is about 2,000 times greater than the electron mass.

What is the mass of an electron compared to the mass of a proton or neutron?

Mass ratio proton (neutron)/electron: 1 836

How does the mass of a proton compared to the mass of the electron?

The proton mass is about 2,000 times greater than the electron mass.

Compared to a proton an electron has?

The same quantity of a charge and the opposite sign.

How can protons and electrons be compared and contrasted?

Both are atomic particles; proton is positive and electron is negative. Electron is very small by comparation with a a proton.

Mass of electron compared to proton?

Mass of electron is about 1837 times less than the mass of proton

Who is bigger photon electron neutron proton?

The neutron is the largest of the particles mentioned. Compared to the proton, it has an additional weight of 1.293 MeV.

Why isnt the mass of the electron included in the mass of an atom on the periodic table?

the mass of electron is very less compared to that of a proton or a neutron it is 1/1800 the mass of 1 proton and therefore it is negligible and not included.

The electron has very little mass compared to the blank or blank fill in the blank please Number Standard Neutrons Protons Mass?

The electron has very little mass compared to the proton or neutron.